
We're just in the process of investigating a versioning tool and are very 
interesting in git. We have one question we're hoping someone can answer. In 
regards to the repositories, I think I understand correctly that each developer 
will have a local repository that they will work from, and that there will also 
be a remote repository (origin) that will hold the original version of the 

It appears from the limited reading I've done that the remote repository must 
be hosted at github.com. Is this the case? Ideally we'd prefer to simply create 
our remote repository on a drive of one of our local network servers. Is this 

Thanks in advance for the help.

David Lang | Application Developer | Tel: 416-340-4800 x.5277
Cardiac IT Dept - Toronto General Hospital
The University Health Network
200 Elizabeth St.
Toronto, ON   M5G 2C4

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