On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 01:19:17AM +0100, Ramsay Jones wrote:

> As a quick ("just before bedtime") exercise, I tried adding
> a Makefile target to perform a similar check. The result is
> given below, but I haven't had time to look too closely at
> the results:

The resulting patch doesn't look too horrible, and I think it would be
great to automate this, even if people don't always run it by default.

The flip side is the "do all files include git-compat-util.h first" test
I mentioned elsewhere (and which resulted in the test-tool.h patch).
That could be automated, too. I did it like:

    echo '#undef int'
    cat git-compat-util.h
  } >tmp
  mv tmp git-compat-util.h
  make CFLAGS=-Dint=foo

That's obviously pretty nasty, but if we were willing to carry:

  #undef int

in git-compat-util.h, it could be driven from the Makefile. Maybe
worth-while to couple with this.


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