On Wed, Aug 15 2018, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> Sadly, as of less-530, the behavior of "less -F" is broken enough that
> I think git needs to potentially think about changing the defaults for
> the pager, or people should at least be aware of it.

Downloading & trying versions of it locally reveals that it's as of
version 520, not 530. The last version before 520 is 487. Presumably
it's covered by this item in the changelog:

    Don't output terminal init sequence if using -F and file fits on one

> Older versions of less (at least up to less-487 - March 2017) do not
> have this bug.  There were apparently 520, 527 and 529 releases in
> 2017 too, but I couldn't find their sources to verify if they were
> already broken - but 530 (February 2018) has the problem.

FWIW they're not linked from
http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/download.html but you can just URL
hack and see releases http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/ and change
links like http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/less-530.tar.gz to

> The breakage is easy to see without git:
>         (echo "hello"; sleep 5; echo "bye bye") | less -F
> which will result in no output at all for five seconds, and then you
> get both lines at once as "less" exits.

The relevant change in less is this, cutting out the non-relevant parts:

    diff --git a/less-487/forwback.c b/less-520/forwback.c
    index 83ae78e..680fa25 100644
    --- a/less-487/forwback.c
    +++ b/less-520/forwback.c
    @@ -444,3 +444,21 @@ get_back_scroll()

                return (sc_height - 2);
        return (10000); /* infinity */
    + * Return number of displayable lines in the file.
    + * Stop counting at screen height + 1.
    + */
    +   public int
    +   int nlines;
    +   POSITION pos = ch_zero();
    +   for (nlines = 0;  nlines <= sc_height;  nlines++)
    +   {
    +           pos = forw_line(pos);
    +           if (pos == NULL_POSITION) break;
    +   }
    +   return nlines;
    diff --git a/less-487/main.c b/less-520/main.c
    index 960d120..6d54851 100644
    --- a/less-487/main.c
    +++ b/less-520/main.c
    @@ -273,10 +275,19 @@ main(argc, argv)
                if (edit_stdin())  /* Edit standard input */
    +           if (quit_if_one_screen)
    +                   line_count = get_line_count();
        } else
                if (edit_first())  /* Edit first valid file in cmd line */
    +           if (quit_if_one_screen)
    +           {
    +                   if (nifile() == 1)
    +                           line_count = get_line_count();
    +                   else /* If more than one file, -F can not be used */
    +                           quit_if_one_screen = FALSE;
    +           }

    diff --git a/less-487/screen.c b/less-520/screen.c
    index ad3fca1..2d51bbc 100644
    --- a/less-487/screen.c
    +++ b/less-520/screen.c
    @@ -1538,7 +1555,9 @@ win32_deinit_term()
    -   if (!no_init)
    +   if (quit_if_one_screen && line_count >= sc_height)
    +           quit_if_one_screen = FALSE;
    +   if (!no_init && !quit_if_one_screen)
                tputs(sc_init, sc_height, putchr);
        if (!no_keypad)
                tputs(sc_s_keypad, sc_height, putchr);

If you undo that first changed part in main.c your test case prints
"hello" to the terminal immediately.

> It's not always obvious when using git, because when the terminal
> fills up, less also starts outputting, but the default options with -F
> are really horrible if you are looking for something uncommon, and
> "git log" doesn't respond at all.
> On the kernel tree, this is easy to see with something like
>    git log --oneline --grep="The most important one is the mpt3sas fix"
> which takes a bit over 7 seconds before it shows the commit I was looking for.
> In contrast, if you do
>    LESS=-RX git log --oneline --grep="The most important one is the mpt3sas 
> fix"
> that (recent) commit is found and shown immediately. It still takes 7s
> for git to go through all history and decide "that was it", but at
> least you don't need to wait for the intermediate results.
> I've reported it as a bug in less, but I'm not sure what the reaction
> will be, the less releases seem to be very random.

Via bug-l...@gnu.org? Is this report available online somewhere? Anyway,
CC-ing that address since my digging into this will be useful to them.

1. http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/news.520.html

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