On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 11:59:33AM +0200, Paweł Paruzel wrote:
> Hi,
> Lately, I have been wondering why my test files in repo are modified
> after I clone it. It turned out to be two files: boolStyle_t_f and
> boolStyle_T_F.
> The system that pushed those files was case sensitive while my mac
> after High Sierra update had APFS which is by default
> case-insensitive. I highly suggest that git clone threw an exception
> when files are case sensitive and being cloned to a case insensitive
> system. This has caused problems with overriding files for test cases
> without any warning.

If we did what you proposed, it would be impossible to clone such a
repository on a case-insensitive system.  While this might be fine for a
closed system such as inside a company, this would make many open source
repositories unusable, even when the files differing in case are
nonfunctional (like README and readme).

This is actually one of a few ways people can make repositories that
will show as modified on Windows or macOS systems, due to limitations in
those OSes.  If you want to be sure that your repository is unmodified
after clone, you can ensure that the output of git status --porcelain is
empty, such as by checking for a zero exit from
"test $(git status --porcelain | wc -l) -eq 0".
brian m. carlson: Houston, Texas, US
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