Manlio Perillo <> writes:

>> +    # Skip "git" (first argument)
>> +    for ((i=1; i < ${#words[@]}; i++)); do
>> +            word="${words[i]}"
>> +
>> +            case "$word" in
>> +                    --)
> Sorry, I have incorrectly (again) indented the case labels.
> I have now configured my editor to correctly indent this.

Yeah, thanks for spotting.

I wouldn't worry *too* much about the style in this script at this
point, though.  It uses a style on its own that is totally different
from the rest of the system (e.g. "[" instead of "test", semicolon
in "if ...; then", etc.) and it probably is better to emulate the
surrounding code, and leave the style "fixes" to a separate topic,
if we want to (as a contrib/ material that is not POSIX but bash
specific, I do not know if that is even worth it).

>> +                            # Good; we can assume that the following are 
>> only non
>> +                            # option arguments.
>> +                            ((c = 0))
>> +                            ;;
> Here I was thinking to do something like this (not tested):
>               -*)
>                       if [ -n ${2-} ]; then
>                               # Assume specified git command only
>                                 # accepts simple options
>                               # (without arguments)
>                               ((c = 0))
> Since git mv only accepts simple options, this will make the use of '--'
> not required.

Unless you have a file whose name begins with a dash, perhaps?
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