From: "Johannes Schindelin" <>
Hi Phillip,

On Wed, 14 Jun 2017, Philipp Gortan wrote:

thanks for following up,

> Indeed. Why don't you give it a try?

Actually, I already did:

You might want to post your analysis and patch there as well...

I wonder what good posting my analysis did, if nothing changed as a

FWIW I opened this PR with Git for Windows to fix it properly:

I plan on consolidating all of the PRs at, too, and to try to get them into

       I guess that means that I just volunteered as interim maintainer
of the git-gui repository. However, I will really act as maintainer, not
as "cleaner upper".

"Curator" is a useful intermediate level concept between active maintenance and passive benign neglect, if that term is a help...


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