On 06/27, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> Brandon Williams <bmw...@google.com> writes:
> >> > +        * The server SHOULD NOT send any refs which were not requested
> >> > +          using 'want-ref' lines and a client MUST ignore refs which
> >> > +          weren't requested.
> >> 
> >> Just being curious, but the above feels the other way around.  Why
> >> are we being more lenient to writers of broken server than writers
> >> of broken clients?  The number of installations they need to take
> >> back and replace is certainly lower for the former, which means
> >> that, if exchanges of unsoliclited refs are unwanted, clients should
> >> notice and barf (or warn) if the server misbehaves, and the server
> >> should be forbidden from sending unsolicited refs, no?
> >
> > Ok so should I change the server part to "MUST NOT" and the client part
> > to "SHOULD"?  And I can add code to die when we see refs that weren't
> > requested, but i feel like if we add an ability to request a pattern in
> > the future this will completely change, which is why I currently have a
> > client just ignoring anything else.
> I did not have enough information to give an answer to "should I do
> X?"; that is why I asked these questions prefixed with "Just being
> curious".  I do not quite get a good feeling that I now know enough
> to answer, still, but let me try.
> If we anticipate backward incompatible changes between this early
> WIP stage and the final completed protocol, it would be GOOD to make
> sure that an early WIP clients/servers fail when seeing the other
> side gives them something they do not understand, no?
> So...

Yeah after thinking more about this I agree, we should have the client
fail out and require that the server MUST not send additional refs.
This can of course be loosened through a capability if we want to do
something else in the future.  Thanks for sanity checking me :)

Brandon Williams

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