Added test shows remote with two tag objects pointing to a blob and a
tree. The tag objects themselves are referenced from under regular
refs/tags/* namespace. If test_expect_failure is changed to
test_expect_success the test fails:
        Initialized empty Git repository in 
/home/kirr/src/tools/git/git/t/trash directory.t5500-fetch-pack/fetchall/.git/
        fatal: git upload-pack: not our ref 
        fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
        not ok 56 - test --all wrt tag to non-commits
        #               blob_sha1=$(echo "hello blob" | git hash-object -t blob 
-w --stdin) &&
        #               git tag -a -m "tag -> blob" tag-to-blob $blob_sha1 &&
        #               tree_sha1=$(echo -e "100644 blob $blob_sha1\tfile" | 
git mktree) &&
        #               git tag -a -m "tag -> tree" tag-to-tree $tree_sha1 &&
        #               mkdir fetchall &&
        #               (
        #                       cd fetchall &&
        #                       git init &&
        #                       git fetch-pack --all .. &&
        #                       git cat-file blob $blob_sha1 >/dev/null &&
        #                       git cat-file tree $tree_sha1 >/dev/null
        #               )

and manual investigation from under "trash 
directory.t5500-fetch-pack/fetchall/" shows:

        .../git/t/trash directory.t5500-fetch-pack/fetchall$ git ls-remote ..
        440858748ae905d48259d4fb67a12a7aa1520cf7        HEAD
        f85e353c1b377970afbb804118d9135948598eea        refs/heads/A
        440858748ae905d48259d4fb67a12a7aa1520cf7        refs/heads/B
        7f3cb539fbce926dd99233cfc9b6966f1d69747e        refs/heads/C
        b3401427a9637a35f6a203d635e5677e76ad409d        refs/heads/D
        4928b093c801d36be5cdb3ed3ab572fa0d4c93bf        refs/heads/E
        c1375be492d3716839043d7f7e9a593f8e80c668        refs/heads/F
        f85e353c1b377970afbb804118d9135948598eea        refs/tags/A
        440858748ae905d48259d4fb67a12a7aa1520cf7        refs/tags/B
        7f3cb539fbce926dd99233cfc9b6966f1d69747e        refs/tags/C
        b3401427a9637a35f6a203d635e5677e76ad409d        refs/tags/D
        4928b093c801d36be5cdb3ed3ab572fa0d4c93bf        refs/tags/E
        c1375be492d3716839043d7f7e9a593f8e80c668        refs/tags/F
        27f494dfb7e67d2f9cd2282404adf1d97581aa34        refs/tags/OLDTAG
        10e1d7b51cacf2f0478498681177f0e6f1e8392d        refs/tags/TAGA1
        f85e353c1b377970afbb804118d9135948598eea        refs/tags/TAGA1^{}
        f85e353c1b377970afbb804118d9135948598eea        refs/tags/TAGA2
        a540a4ddd2b16a9fe66e9539d5ec103c68052eaa        refs/tags/TAGB1
        9ca64d8fd8038b086badca1d11ccd8bbcfdeace1        refs/tags/TAGB1^{}
        9ca64d8fd8038b086badca1d11ccd8bbcfdeace1        refs/tags/TAGB2
        bc4e9e1fa80662b449805b1ac29fc9b1e4c49187        refs/tags/tag-to-blob   
                # <-- NOTE
        038f48ad0beaffbea71d186a05084b79e3870cbf        refs/tags/tag-to-blob^{}
        520db1f5e1afeaa12b1a8d73ce82db72ca036ee1        refs/tags/tag-to-tree   
                # <-- NOTE
        7395c100223b7cd760f58ccfa0d3f3d2dd539bb6        refs/tags/tag-to-tree^{}

        .../git/t/trash directory.t5500-fetch-pack/fetchall$ git fetch-pack 
--all ..
        fatal: A git upload-pack: not our ref 
        fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

however the remote has all referenced objects and is generally ok:

        .../git/t/trash directory.t5500-fetch-pack/fetchall$ cd ..

        .../git/t/trash directory.t5500-fetch-pack$ git show tag-to-blob
        tag tag-to-blob
        Tagger: C O Mitter <>
        Date:   Thu Apr 7 16:36:13 2005 -0700

        tag -> blob
        hello blob

        .../git/t/trash directory.t5500-fetch-pack$ git show tag-to-tree
        tag tag-to-tree
        Tagger: C O Mitter <>
        Date:   Thu Apr 7 16:36:13 2005 -0700

        tag -> tree

        tree tag-to-tree


        .../git/t/trash directory.t5500-fetch-pack$ git fsck
        Checking object directories: 100% (256/256), done.

For the reference, porcelain fetch 'refs/*:refs/origin/*' works:

        .../git/t/trash directory.t5500-fetch-pack/fetchall$ git fetch .. 
        remote: Enumerating objects: 259, done.
        remote: Counting objects: 100% (259/259), done.
        remote: Compressing objects: 100% (89/89), done.
        remote: Total 259 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
        Receiving objects: 100% (259/259), 21.64 KiB | 1.97 MiB/s, done.
        Resolving deltas: 100% (1/1), done.
        From ..
         * [new branch]      A           -> refs/origin/heads/A
         * [new branch]      B           -> refs/origin/heads/B
         * [new branch]      C           -> refs/origin/heads/C
         * [new branch]      D           -> refs/origin/heads/D
         * [new branch]      E           -> refs/origin/heads/E
         * [new branch]      F           -> refs/origin/heads/F
         * [new tag]         A           -> refs/origin/tags/A
         * [new tag]         B           -> refs/origin/tags/B
         * [new tag]         C           -> refs/origin/tags/C
         * [new tag]         D           -> refs/origin/tags/D
         * [new tag]         E           -> refs/origin/tags/E
         * [new tag]         F           -> refs/origin/tags/F
         * [new tag]         OLDTAG      -> refs/origin/tags/OLDTAG
         * [new tag]         TAGA1       -> refs/origin/tags/TAGA1
         * [new tag]         TAGA2       -> refs/origin/tags/TAGA2
         * [new tag]         TAGB1       -> refs/origin/tags/TAGB1
         * [new tag]         TAGB2       -> refs/origin/tags/TAGB2
         * [new tag]         tag-to-blob -> refs/origin/tags/tag-to-blob
         * [new tag]         tag-to-tree -> refs/origin/tags/tag-to-tree
         * [new tag]         A           -> A
         * [new tag]         B           -> B
         * [new tag]         C           -> C
         * [new tag]         D           -> D
         * [new tag]         E           -> E
         * [new tag]         F           -> F
         * [new tag]         OLDTAG      -> OLDTAG
         * [new tag]         TAGA1       -> TAGA1
         * [new tag]         TAGA2       -> TAGA2
         * [new tag]         TAGB1       -> TAGB1
         * [new tag]         TAGB2       -> TAGB2
         * [new tag]         tag-to-blob -> tag-to-blob                         
# <-- NOTE
         * [new tag]         tag-to-tree -> tag-to-tree                         
# <-- NOTE

Signed-off-by: Kirill Smelkov <>
 t/ | 15 +++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d4f435155f..000f338172 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -518,6 +518,21 @@ test_expect_success 'test --all, --depth, and explicit 
tag' '
        ) >out-adt 2>error-adt
+test_expect_failure 'test --all wrt tag to non-commits' '
+       blob_sha1=$(echo "hello blob" | git hash-object -t blob -w --stdin) &&
+       git tag -a -m "tag -> blob" tag-to-blob $blob_sha1 &&
+       tree_sha1=$(echo -e "100644 blob $blob_sha1\tfile" | git mktree) &&
+       git tag -a -m "tag -> tree" tag-to-tree $tree_sha1 &&
+       mkdir fetchall &&
+       (
+               cd fetchall &&
+               git init &&
+               git fetch-pack --all .. &&
+               git cat-file blob $blob_sha1 >/dev/null &&
+               git cat-file tree $tree_sha1 >/dev/null
+       )
 test_expect_success 'shallow fetch with tags does not break the repository' '
        mkdir repo1 &&

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