
Hi Elijah,

>> Most items forward-reference "Depends on (<later letter>) up to here;
>> (H) seems independent, but might be a good first start.
>> (G) [8] is queued as origin/en/merge-recursive-tests, or do you mean
>> to expand (G) into a mini-framework of merge-testing? i.e. run the
>> mini test framework multiple times, each using a different
>> merge strategy, similar to submodule tests, e.g. see
>> t/ and one of its users, t1013.
> Sorry, I should have been more clear about G.
> In more detail...
> [...]

Yeah that is what I had in mind when talking about a mini test frame work
above, such that you can run the same test on any merge strategy easily.
Sorry for being confusing there.

>> (B) sounds like an independent feature, which could go in parallel?
> B may sound like an independent feature, but it needs a merge
> algorithm that doesn't mess with the working tree

I agree on that,

> so it depends pretty strongly on E.

.. but not quite on the conclusion:
You could also make the current merge algorithm working
tree independent. Thomas Rast (cc'd) did so IIUC in
(search the archive for "--remerge" if interested in this prior work)
which did not land upstream.

>>>   * Should I post RFC questions on A and C earlier?
>> I would think so, it is easier to give feedback on code, I would think.
> If the idea is to give feedback on *code* rather than just
> ideas/tradeoffs/pinpointing-buggy-lines, then it sounds like you're
> actually suggesting posting the RFC later rather than earlier?

Some people have complained that they don't get feedback on
ideas/tradeoffs/pinpointing-buggy-lines, but did so after sending
RFC code. So I'd think a sure way to get feedback is to send actual
code as an RFC even if it misses some parts.

> Also, the bigger question for me wasn't so much "should I ask the list
> about these changes?" before making them, but rather: Do folks want me
> to bring these things up before I work on D & E -- even if I end up
> not getting back to incorporating their answers for months until D & E
> are completed and merged?

I'd think A + C are worth asking early nevertheless, even if D & E are
away for some month; having these niche cases covered (in code and
tests) as well as a new UI/UX for user communication sound exciting
(The latter could result in some bike shedding, and then having enough
time before you spend time to do it one way or another in D&E sounds

>>>   * Should I split D and G?  (Current plan was to keep D together, but
>>>     split G into five short slightly inter-dependent topics)
>> I would have expected to have tests (G) as a companion of (A) or (C)
>> rather than (D), as performance improvements would keep the test suite
>> unchanged?
> Let me re-phrase: D and G are completely independent series, both of
> which happen to be divisible.  Should either of them be split?

Sorry for my confusion. This clears it up

> More background: D is only a handful of commits, so far; the main
> reason to split it is to allow some of it to go first (maybe even
> before G or H).  The downside is introducing extra churn and risk in
> merge-recursive, when I'm planning to rewrite it soon anyway.  I was
> trying to minimize merge-recursive changes, other than trying to make
> sure that the new merge strategy and merge-recursive will give
> identical results (modulo maybe fixing a few extra corner cases and
> running faster).  Basically, I wanted it to be really easy to compare
> old and new strategies, but otherwise wanted to leave merge-recursive
> mostly alone.  It's not entirely clear how quickly I'll find time to
> work on all of this, though, so maybe just-wait-for-the-rewrite is not
> the right prioritization.

My experience is that smaller patch series are reviewed faster,
so if the cost of splitting them up is not prohibitive, I'd strongly
consider doing that.

>>>   * E is kind of big.  Are there any specific things folks would like to see
>>>     with how that is handled?
>> How much abstraction can be done ahead of time such that there is an
>> interface/API where you just plug in a new merge strategy and do not
>> need to duplicate a lot of code/tests?
> For avoiding duplicate tests, my plan was to use a variable (like
> GIT_TEST_SPLIT_INDEX or GIT_FSMONITOR_TEST), which, when set, would
> change the default merge strategy from "recursive" to the new one, and
> also replace explicit requests for the "recursive" merge strategy with
> the new one.

So your long term plan is to *replace* the whole merge recursive strategy
giving the same results [analogous to implementing refstable as a new refs
back end, that behaves the same except faster and easier code for corner
cases] and not offer a *new* strategy [analog here: different (merge/)diff
strategies, such as Myers vs minimal vs patience] that yields user visible
difference and it is unclear whether the user prefers one or the other?
That wasn't clear to me, thanks for clarifying.

My original reply was assuming a new "mode" of merge strategy which
would be a user visible knob to turn. The environment variable you mentioned
sounds like that is an implementation detail, that is just for a
smooth transition
period, but the current code would be deprecated and deleted eventually.

> For avoiding duplicate code...well, Junio's suggestion was "[to
> rewrite] without using much from the existing code in
> merge-recursive.c at all" because he has "written off that code as
> mostly unsalvageable"[4].
> There are some functions that I think are worth leaving intact (e.g.
> helpers like output(), the directory rename detection stuff, or the
> merge_submodule code that you recently moved).  That stuff I was
> planning to put in a "/* COPIED FROM merge-recursive.c VERBATIM */"
> section.  And eventually, the idea would be to delete the old
> merge-recursive and just use the replacement, making the duplication
> concerns eventually go away.

This clears up even more, thanks for clarifying!

> ...or is your question more about how to abstract things so that
> others can also write new merge strategies in the future and allow as
> much code and test re-use as possible?

That was my original question as I thought an API would help with
doing that as it would help to not fiddle around with the rest of the
code base.

>>> [4] 

Did you mean:

So in that case my reply above (" it depends pretty strongly on E.."
I have a different conclusion) is void, as that *is* the new strategy?


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