Hi Matthew, Matthew Coleman wrote: > I haven't seen any discussion about this recently. What > are the chances of getting it merged? I'd like to see this > included in 2.18.
Junio's last few "What's cooking" updates have mentioned it: > * sg/completion-clear-cached (2018-04-18) 1 commit > (merged to 'next' on 2018-04-25 at 9178da6c3d) > + completion: reduce overhead of clearing cached --options > > The completion script (in contrib/) learned to clear cached list of > command line options upon dot-sourcing it again in a more efficient > way. > > Will merge to 'master'. I imagine it will show up on master sometime soon, in time for 2.18.0. -- Todd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I expected times like this -- but never thought they'd be so bad, so long, and so frequent. -- Demotivators (www.despair.com)