Hi Junio,

On Mon, 7 May 2018, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schinde...@gmx.de> writes:
> >> If tbdiff were "Thomas's branch diff", I would call this jbdiff ;-)
> >> but I think the 't' in there stands for "topic", not "Thomas's".
> >> 
> >> How about "git topic-diff"?
> >
> > Or `git topic-branch-diff`?
> Yeah something along that line, which is about comparing each step
> in two iterations of a single topic.  It would be wonderful if it
> also supported a short-hand
>       $ git tbdiff --reflog 1.day.ago js/branch-diff
> that turned into:
>       $ git tbdiff js/branch-diff..js/branch-diff@{1.day.ago} \
>                       js/branch-diff@{1.day.ago}..js/branch-diff

Or even easier: `git tbdiff js/branch-diff@{1.day.ago}...js/branch-diff`.

> That compares "what was on the topic a day ago" with "what is new on
> the topic since that time", which is exactly what an individual
> contributor wants when reviewing how the topic was polished, I would
> say.

It would be easy to introduce, but I am wary about its usefulness.
Unless you re-generate the branch from patches (which I guess you do a
lot, but I don't), you are likely to compare incomplete patch series: say,
when you call `git rebase -i` to reword 05/18's commit message, your
command will only compare 05--18 of the patch series.

Worse, if js/branch-diff needs to be uprooted (e.g. because it now depends
on some different patch, or because it already depended on a separate
patch series that was now updated), your `git branch --diff` call will
compare more than just my patches: it will assume that those dependencies
are part of the patch series, because they changed, too.

> [Footnote]
> A variant I often use when accepting a rerolled series is
>       $ git checkout js/branch-diff
>       $ git checkout master...
>       $ git am ./+js-branch-diff-v2
>       $ git tbdiff ..@{-1} @{-1}..
> so this is not only for individual contributors but also helps
> integrators.

Yes, and I also pointed out (twice) that it will help interested parties
follow what I do with my merging-rebases in Git for Windows.


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