Hi Eric,

On Sun, 6 May 2018, Eric Sunshine wrote:

> On Sun, May 6, 2018 at 8:21 AM, Johannes Schindelin
> <johannes.schinde...@gmx.de> wrote:
> > On Sun, 6 May 2018, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> >> Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schinde...@gmx.de> writes:
> >> > On Sat, 5 May 2018, Jeff King wrote:
> >> >> One minor point about the name: will it become annoying as a tab
> >> >> completion conflict with git-branch?
> >>
> >> If tbdiff were "Thomas's branch diff", I would call this jbdiff ;-)
> >> but I think the 't' in there stands for "topic", not "Thomas's".
> >> How about "git topic-diff"?
> >
> > Or `git topic-branch-diff`?
> >
> > But then, we do not really use the term `topic branch` a lot in Git, *and*
> > the operation in question is not really about showing differences between
> > topic branches, but between revisions of topic branches.
> >
> > So far, the solution I like best is to use `git branch --diff <...>`,
> > which also neatly side-steps the problem of cluttering the top-level
> > command list (because tab completion).
> Let's, please, not fall into the trap of polluting git-branch with
> utterly unrelated functionality, as has happened a few times with
> other Git commands. Let's especially not do so merely for the sake of
> tab-completion. git-branch is for branch management; it's not for
> diff'ing.

I totally disagree. `git branch` is *the* command to work with branches.
Yes, you can manage branches. But you can also list them. And now you can
also compare them.

> Of the suggestions thus far, Junio's git-topic-diff seems the least
> worse, and doesn't suffer from tab-completion problems.

Except that this is too limited a view.

Have you seen one of the more important tidbits in the cover letter, the
one about Git for Windows' *branch thicket*? In this case, it is not *one*
topic branch that we are talking about.

And even worse: what this patch series introduces is not at all a feature
to compare topic branches!

Instead, it is a way to compare iterations of patch series, versions of
topic branches, changes introduced into a topic branch by rebasing it,
etc. And `git topic-diff` simply does not say this. It says something
different, something that my patches cannot fulfill.

> Building on Duy's suggestion: git-interdiff could be a superset of the
> current git-branch-diff:
>     # standard interdiff
>     git interdiff womp-v1 womp-v2
>     # 'tbdiff'-like output
>     git interdiff --topic womp-v1 womp-v2

No, no, and no. An interdiff is an interdiff is an interdiff. See e.g.
https://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix_commands/interdiff.htm for details.

The operation introduced by this patch series, or for that matter tbdiff,
*never ever* produced an interdiff. Get this "interdiff" label out of your
mind immediately when you think about this here operation.

One of my commit messages even talks about this, and says *why* we do not
generate interdiffs: they are in general not even well-defined.

Take my --rebase-merges patch series, for example. It is so long-running
that at some stages, all I did was to resolve merge conflicts incurred
from rebasing to `master`. That was literally all. Now, if you tried to
produce an interdiff, you would *already fail in the first step*, as the
previous overall diff does not apply in reverse on current `master`.

Out of all the options so far, the one that I liked was `git branch
--diff`. Seriously. I do not understand why you think that this is abusing
the `git branch` command. It is no less abusing it than `git branch
--edit-description`! And that is a *very good* command, and it is *very
good* that it is an option to `git branch`. It makes a total lot of sense,
I have never had to think "wait, in which Git command is this implemented
already?" And I would expect the exact same thing to happen with `git
branch --diff`.


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