On 26.04.18 18:48, Elijah Newren wrote:
> On HFS (which appears to be the default Mac filesystem prior to High
> Sierra), unicode names are "normalized" before recording.  Thus with a
> script like:
>     mkdir tmp
>     cd tmp
>     auml=$(printf "\303\244")
>     aumlcdiar=$(printf "\141\314\210")
>     >"$auml"
>     echo "auml:          " $(echo -n "$auml" | xxd)
>     echo "aumlcdiar:     " $(echo -n "$aumlcdiar" | xxd)
>     echo "Dir contents:  " $(echo -n * | xxd)
>     echo "Stat auml:     " "$(stat -f "%i   %Sm   %Su %N" "$auml")"
>     echo "Stat aumlcdiar:" "$(stat -f "%i   %Sm   %Su %N" "$aumlcdiar")"
> We see output like:
>     auml:           00000000: c3a4 ..
>     aumlcdiar:      00000000: 61cc 88 a..
>     Dir contents:   00000000: 61cc 88 a..
>     Stat auml:      857473   Apr 26 09:40:40 2018   newren ä
>     Stat aumlcdiar: 857473   Apr 26 09:40:40 2018   newren ä
> On APFS, which appears to be the new default filesystem in Mac OS High
> Sierra, we instead see:
>     auml:           00000000: c3a4 ..
>     aumlcdiar:      00000000: 61cc 88 a..
>     Dir contents:   00000000: c3a4 ..
>     Stat auml:      8591766636   Apr 26 09:40:59 2018   newren ä
>     Stat aumlcdiar: 8591766636   Apr 26 09:40:59 2018   newren ä
> i.e. APFS appears to record the filename as specified by the user, but
> continues to allow the user to access it via any name that normalizes
> to the same thing.  This difference causes t0050-filesystem.sh to fail
> the final two tests.  I could change the "UTF8_NFD_TO_NFC" flag
> checking in test-lib.sh to instead test the exit code of stat to make
> it pass these two tests, but I have no idea if there are problems
> elsewhere that this would just be papering over.
> I dislike Mac OS and avoid it, so I'd prefer to find someone else
> motivated to fix this.  If no one is, I may eventually try to fix this
> up...in a year or three from now.  But is someone else interested?
> Would this serve as a good microproject for our microprojects list (or
> are the internals hairy enough that this is too big of a project for
> that list)?
> Elijah
thanks for the report.
I don't have a high sierra box, but I can probably get one.
t0050 -should- pass automagically, so I feel that I can do something.
Unless someone is faster of course.

Is it possible that  you run
debug=t verbose=t ./t0050-filesystem.sh 
and send the output to me ?

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