On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 3:44 PM, Thomas Gummerer <t.gumme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 04/08, Eric Sunshine wrote:
>> This is making me wonder if "Checking out branch" is perhaps the wrong
>> terminology. What if it said something like this instead:
>>     $ git worktree add ../next
>>     Preparing worktree (branch 'next' <= 'origin/next')
>>     fatal: '../next' already exists
>> This way, we don't need the special case added by this "fixup!" patch.
>> (I'm not wedded to the "Preparing" message but just used it as an
>> example; better suggestions welcome.)
> Yeah, I think this looks like another improvement of what I currently
> have.  I'm not sure about the "(branch 'next' <= 'origin/next')"
> message though, as it doesn't cover all the ways the branch could be
> set up for tracking the remote branch, e.g. tracking by rebasing, when
> 'branch.autosetuprebase' is set up.
> But how about just "Preparing worktree (new branch 'next')", and then
> keeping the message from 'git branch' about setting up the remote
> tracking branch?

Fair enough. Extra annotation (such as "'foo' <= 'bar'" or whatever)
can always be added later if someone wants it.

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