Sorry for multiple e-mails. I'm just trying to go thru with this.

This is what I tried:

MyMac:git-2.17.0 igorkorot$ make configure
GIT_VERSION = 2.17.0
    GEN configure
/bin/sh: autoconf: command not found
make: *** [configure] Error 127
MyMac:git-2.17.0 igorkorot$

Does this mean that something is a miss?

Thank you.

On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 5:10 PM, Igor Korot <> wrote:
> Hi, Eric,
> First of, I already have Xcode installed along with the Developer Tools.
> Second, here is the list of the different dylib files I found on my system:
> MyMac:/ igorkorot$ find . -name libSystem.B.dylib
> ./Applications/
> ./Applications/
> ./Applications/
> ./usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
> I'm hoping that the dylib in the MacOSX10.9 directory does have that
> symbol and maybe if I can check I can export this directory and let
> the linker pick it up.
> And apparently I was wrong:
> MyMac:/ igorkorot$ nm -gU
> /Applications/
> | grep strlcpy
> MyMac:/ igorkorot$ nm -gU
> /Applications/
> | grep strlcpy
> MyMac:/ igorkorot$
> I can try to build from source as this becomes my last resort. ;-)
> Thank you.
> On Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 3:32 AM, Eric Sunshine <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 10:20 PM, Igor Korot <> wrote:
>>>>> dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ___strlcpy_chk
>>>>>   Referenced from: /usr/local/git/libexec/git-core/git
>>>>>   Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
>>>> It's not clear what installer you used? Was it the package from
>>>> git-scm? Was it from Homebrew?
>>> I just tried the git-scm installer and got exactly the same error
>>> during the runtime.
>> Have you tried any of the suggestions at these pages for resolving this 
>> issue?
>>>> I would guess that, even if the git-scm installer no longer supports
>>>> 10.8, it is likely that Homebrew does. Have you tried it?
>>> I don't want to pollute my system with Homebrew.
>>>> If both those options fail, you can always build from source.
>>> Where do I get the soure code? And how do I build it?
>>> I guess I have only one option left. ;-)
>> Source code for the latest release is at:
>> To build it, you'll need to have the MacOS Developer Tools installed.
>> It's also quite likely that you'll need to build some prerequisite
>> libraries; at minimum OpenSSL. You may be able to skip other libraries
>> if you don't care about the functionality. Build settings which you
>> may need to adjust to disable dependence on libraries in which you're
>> not interested are documented at the top of Makefile. Place overrides
>> for those settings in a file named config.mak in the git directory.

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