On Tuesday 03 April 2018 01:30 PM, Eric Sunshine wrote:
>> Note that the "detached HEAD" test case might actually fail in some cases
>> as the actual output of "git branch --list" might contain remote branch
>> names which is not considered by the test case as it is rare to happen
>> in the test environment.
> This paragraph was not in the original patch[1]. I _think_ what you
> are saying (which took a while to decipher) is that if a command such
> as "git checkout origin/next" ever gets inserted into the script
> before the test, the test will be fooled since "git branch --list"
> will show "detached HEAD origin/next" rather than "detached HEAD
> d3adb33f", the latter of which is what the test is expecting.

Yeah, you're right. To know the reason for the unclear paragraph, see below.

> Unfortunately, this paragraph makes it sound as if the test can fail
> randomly (which, I believe, is not the case), and nobody would want a
> test added which is unreliable, thus this paragraph is not helping to
> sell this patch (in fact, it's actively hurting it). Ideally, the test
> should be entirely deterministic so that it can't be fooled like this.
> Rather than including this (harmful) paragraph in the commit message,
> let's ensure that the test is deterministic (see below).

Sorry for the harmful and not so clear paragraph! I actually kept that
paragraph there to **remind me** that I have to fix the issue which it
describes before sending out the patch but I somehow forgot about it
after I added it initially :-(

>> diff --git a/t/t3200-branch.sh b/t/t3200-branch.sh
>> @@ -1246,6 +1247,29 @@ test_expect_success '--merged is incompatible with 
>> --no-merged' '
>> +test_expect_success '--list during rebase from detached HEAD' '
>> +       test_when_finished "reset_rebase && git checkout master" &&
>> +       git checkout HEAD^0 &&
> This is the line which I think is causing concern for you. If someone
> inserted a new test before this one which invoked "git checkout
> origin/next" (or something), then even after "git checkout HEAD^0",
> "git branch --list" would still report the unexpected "detached HEAD
> origin/next". Let's fix this, and make the test deterministic, by
> doing this instead:
>     git checkout master^0 &&

Nice idea, will re-send a v3 with this fix and the harmful paragraph


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