The email address in --authors-file and --authors-prog can be empty but
git-svn translated it into a syntethic email address in the form
$USERNAME@$REPO_UUID. Now git-svn behaves like git-commit: If the email
is explicitly set to the empty string, the commit does not contain
an email address.

Signed-off-by: Andreas Heiduk <>
 Documentation/git-svn.txt       |  8 +++++---
 perl/Git/                 | 13 ++++++-------
 t/ | 14 ++++++++++++++
 t/ | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-svn.txt b/Documentation/git-svn.txt
index b858374649..d59379ee23 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-svn.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-svn.txt
@@ -635,7 +635,8 @@ config key: svn.findcopiesharder
-       Syntax is compatible with the file used by 'git cvsimport':
+       Syntax is compatible with the file used by 'git cvsimport' but
+       an empty email address can be supplied with '<>':
        loginname = Joe User <>
@@ -654,8 +655,9 @@ config key: svn.authorsfile
        If this option is specified, for each SVN committer name that
        does not exist in the authors file, the given file is executed
        with the committer name as the first argument.  The program is
-       expected to return a single line of the form "Name <email>",
-       which will be treated as if included in the authors file.
+       expected to return a single line of the form "Name <email>" or
+       "Name <>", which will be treated as if included in the authors
+       file.
 Due to historical reasons a relative 'filename' is first searched
 relative to the current directory for 'init' and 'clone' and relative
diff --git a/perl/Git/ b/perl/Git/
index bc4eed3d75..945ca4db2b 100644
--- a/perl/Git/
+++ b/perl/Git/
@@ -1482,7 +1482,6 @@ sub call_authors_prog {
        if ($author =~ /^\s*(.+?)\s*<(.*)>\s*$/) {
                my ($name, $email) = ($1, $2);
-               $email = undef if length $2 == 0;
                return [$name, $email];
        } else {
                die "Author: $orig_author: $::_authors_prog returned "
@@ -2020,8 +2019,8 @@ sub make_log_entry {
                $log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$r $uuid";
                $log_entry{svm_revision} = $r;
-               $email ||= "$author\@$uuid";
-               $commit_email ||= "$author\@$uuid";
+               $email = "$author\@$uuid" unless defined $email;
+               $commit_email = "$author\@$uuid" unless defined $commit_email;
        } elsif ($self->use_svnsync_props) {
                my $full_url = canonicalize_url(
                        add_path_to_url( $self->svnsync->{url}, $self->path )
@@ -2029,15 +2028,15 @@ sub make_log_entry {
                my $uuid = $self->svnsync->{uuid};
                $log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$rev $uuid";
-               $email ||= "$author\@$uuid";
-               $commit_email ||= "$author\@$uuid";
+               $email = "$author\@$uuid" unless defined $email;
+               $commit_email = "$author\@$uuid" unless defined $commit_email;
        } else {
                my $url = $self->metadata_url;
                my $uuid = $self->rewrite_uuid || $self->ra->get_uuid;
                $log_entry{metadata} = "$url\@$rev " . $uuid;
-               $email ||= "$author\@" . $uuid;
-               $commit_email ||= "$author\@" . $uuid;
+               $email = "$author\@$uuid" unless defined $email;
+               $commit_email = "$author\@$uuid" unless defined $commit_email;
        $log_entry{name} = $name;
        $log_entry{email} = $email;
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 41264818cc..6af6daf461 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -108,6 +108,20 @@ test_expect_success !MINGW 'fresh clone with 
svn.authors-file in config' '
+cat >> svn-authors <<EOF
+test_expect_success 'authors-file imported user without email' '
+       svn_cmd mkdir -m aa/branches/ff --username ff "$svnrepo/aa/branches/ff" 
+       (
+               cd aa-work &&
+               git svn fetch --authors-file=../svn-authors &&
+               git rev-list -1 --pretty=raw refs/remotes/origin/ff | \
+                 grep "^author FFFFFFF FFFFFFF <> "
+       )
+       '
 test_debug 'GIT_DIR=gitconfig.clone/.git git log'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7d7e9d46bc..0cec56128f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ test_description='git svn authors prog tests'
 write_script svn-authors-prog "$PERL_PATH" <<-\EOF
        $_ = shift;
-       if (s/-sub$//)  {
+       if (s/-hermit//) {
+               print "$_ <>\n";
+       } elsif (s/-sub$//)  {
                print "$_ <$_\>\n";
        } else {
                print "$_ <$_\>\n";
@@ -68,6 +70,27 @@ test_expect_success 'authors-file overrode authors-prog' '
 git --git-dir=x/.git config --unset svn.authorsfile
 git --git-dir=x/.git config --unset svn.authorsprog
+test_expect_success 'authors-prog imported user without email' '
+       svn mkdir -m gg --username gg-hermit "$svnrepo"/gg &&
+       (
+               cd x &&
+               git svn fetch --authors-prog=../svn-authors-prog &&
+               git rev-list -1 --pretty=raw refs/remotes/git-svn | \
+                 grep "^author gg <> "
+       )
+test_expect_success 'imported without authors-prog and authors-file' '
+       svn mkdir -m hh --username hh "$svnrepo"/hh &&
+       (
+               uuid=$(svn info --show-item=repos-uuid "$svnrepo") &&
+               cd x &&
+               git svn fetch &&
+               git rev-list -1 --pretty=raw refs/remotes/git-svn | \
+                 grep "^author hh <hh@$uuid> "
+       )
 test_expect_success 'authors-prog handled special characters in username' '
        svn mkdir -m bad --username "xyz; touch evil" "$svnrepo"/bad &&

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