> Nicely analysed.  Perhaps we would want new test pieces to define
> the behaviour we want to see first?

I think we should.

I also thought about the use case of "committed" and ignored directory
which is also broken to me (point 3 in the table below).

Anyway I tried to make a table to sum-up/discuss the list of behaviors
we would like to see/test, taking Jeff mail into account.
(warning: that requires fixed width font)

| Output               | A. status --ignored | B. status --ignored -uall |
|                      |                     | (or with potential        |
|                      |                     | --ignored=all)            |
| 1. Untracked dirU    | Current:            | Current:                  |
| with ignored unco.ig | Empty               | Empty                     |
| in it                |                     |                           |
|                      | Expected:           | Expected:                 |
|                      | !!dirU/             | !!dirU/unco.ig            |
| 2. Untracked and     | Current (OK):       | Current:                  |
| ignored dirU with    | !!dirU/             | !!dirU/                   |
| file in it           |                     |                           |
|                      |                     | Expected:                 |
|                      |                     | !!dirU/unco               |
| 3. "Committed" dirA  | Current:            | Current:                  |
| yet ignored          | Empty               | Empty                     |
| with uncommitted     |                     |                           |
| file in it           | Expected:           | Expected:                 |
|                      | dirA/               | dirA/unco                 |
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