Andrei Rybak <> writes:

> On 01.03.2018 0:54, Junio C Hamano wrote:
>> Andrei Rybak <> writes:
>>> Is this part of guidelines obsolete, or am I not understanding this
>>> correctly?
>> I am merely being nice (but only on "time-permitting" basis).
> Does that mean that the integration of a series is easier, when there is
> a re-send?

When I am not interested in a topic, or there are other reviewers
who are more qualified and are interested in the topic than I am,
the protocol to require the final "Here is a verbatim final resend,
the only difference from what was reviewed is the reviewed-by's from
the reviewers." will let me completely ignore the topic while it is
being discussed (as long as I trust the judgment of these reviewers).

Otherwise I'd need to keep track of the progress of the discussion
on each and every topic, which is often impossible.

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