Brandon Williams <> writes:

> Lots of changes since v3 (well more than between v2 and v3).  Thanks for
> all of the reviews on the last round, the series is getting more
> polished.
>  * Eliminated the "# service" line from the response from an HTTP
>    server.  This means that the response to a v2 request is exactly the
>    same regardless of which transport you use!  Docs for this have been
>    added as well.
>  * Changed how ref-patterns work with the `ls-refs` command.  Instead of
>    using wildmatch all patterns must either match exactly or they can
>    contain a single '*' character at the end to mean that the prefix
>    must match.  Docs for this have also been added.
>  * Lots of updates to the docs.  Including documenting the
>    `stateless-connect` remote-helper command used by remote-curl to
>    handle the http transport.
>  * Fixed a number of bugs with the `fetch` command, one of which didn't
>    use objects from configured alternates.

I noticed that this round is built on top of v2.16.0-rc0.  It
certainly makes it easier to compare against the previous round
which was built on top of that old commit and it is very much
appreciated that a reroll does not involve pointless rebases.

For those who are helping from sidelines, it may be ehlpful to
mention where in the history this was developed on, though, as
applying these on the current 'master' has a handful of small

Thanks, will replace and will comment on individual patches as

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