Behalf Of brian m. carlson > On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 06:32:30PM +0100, Michal Suchánek wrote: > > git send-email sets the message date to author date. > > > > This is wrong because the message will most likely not get delivered > > when the author date differs from current time. It might give slightly > > better results with commit date instead of author date but can't is > > just skip that header and leave it to the mailer? > > > > It does not even seem to have an option to suppress adding the date > > header. > > I'm pretty sure it's intended to work this way. > > Without the Date header, we have no way of providing the author date > when sending a patch. git am will read this date and use it as the > author date when applying patches, so if it's omitted, the author date > will be wrong. > > If you want to send patches with a different date, you can always insert > the patch inline in your mailer using the scissors notation, which will > allow your mailer to insert its own date while keeping the patch date > separate. > --
Michal, you may want to hack up an option that can automatically create that format if it is of use. I sometimes find the sort order an issue in some of my mail clients. -- Philip