On 23.01.2018 23:06, Lucas Werkmeister wrote:
> Ah, I wasn’t aware of that – so with --detach, --no-syslog would be
> better described as “disables all logging” rather than “log to stderr
> instead”. IMHO it would still make sense to have the --no-syslog option
> (then mainly for use with --inetd) as long as its interaction with
> --inetd is properly documented… do you agree? If yes, I’ll be glad to
> submit another version of the patch.

One alternative idea would be to instead make syslog and stderr logging
orthogonal by adding not just --no-syslog, but also --[no-]stderr. For
backwards compatibility, --syslog would imply --no-stderr, but you could
also enable logging to both channels with --syslog --stderr, or disable
all logging with --no-syslog --no-stderr. But that doesn’t really solve
the interaction with --detach – --detach --stderr would still be a
nonsensical combination.

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