On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 05:32:56AM -0500, Jeff King wrote:

> According to:
>   https://blog.travis-ci.com/2013-05-22-improving-build-visibility-log-folds
> they auto-fold individual commands _except_ the ones in the script
> section. Is there a way to manually mark folds in the output?
> Hmph. I could not find an answer from travis, but googling seems to turn
> up that something like this would work:
> [...]
> I've queued a CI job to see if this actually works. :)

Indeed it does work:


The rest of the crufty output looks like "set -x" stuff. It might be
worth being less aggressive there.

I think there's also a similar feature to include timings for each fold,
which might be worth pursuing.


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