Dear Junio,

Could you tell me your thought about the way for me to go?
Do you agree with his suggestion; "--uid etc is not the right
solution, --include-untracked is better and generic" ? Or,
should I work "--uid etc" further?


Junio C Hamano wrote:
René Scharfe <> writes:

I don't know if it's a good idea, but perhaps we don't even need a new
option.  We could change how pathspecs of untracked files are handled:
Instead of aborting we could include them in the archive.  (Sounds like
the simplest possible interface, but may have practical problems.)

One practical problem is that users who do this

    $ git archive HEAD Documentation/ | tar tf -

would be expecting (at least) two different things, depending on the
situation they are in.

So at least you'd need an "--include-untracked" option, I guess.

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