When communicating with a v2 server, perform a fetch by requesting the
'fetch' command.

Signed-off-by: Brandon Williams <bmw...@google.com>
 builtin/fetch-pack.c   |   2 +-
 fetch-pack.c           | 267 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 fetch-pack.h           |   4 +-
 t/t5701-protocol-v2.sh |  40 ++++++++
 transport.c            |   8 +-
 5 files changed, 314 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builtin/fetch-pack.c b/builtin/fetch-pack.c
index f492e8abd..867dd3cc7 100644
--- a/builtin/fetch-pack.c
+++ b/builtin/fetch-pack.c
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ int cmd_fetch_pack(int argc, const char **argv, const char 
        ref = fetch_pack(&args, fd, conn, ref, dest, sought, nr_sought,
-                        &shallow, pack_lockfile_ptr);
+                        &shallow, pack_lockfile_ptr, protocol_v0);
        if (pack_lockfile) {
                printf("lock %s\n", pack_lockfile);
diff --git a/fetch-pack.c b/fetch-pack.c
index 9f6b07ad9..c26fdc539 100644
--- a/fetch-pack.c
+++ b/fetch-pack.c
@@ -1008,6 +1008,262 @@ static struct ref *do_fetch_pack(struct fetch_pack_args 
        return ref;
+static void add_wants(const struct ref *wants, struct strbuf *req_buf)
+       for ( ; wants ; wants = wants->next) {
+               const struct object_id *remote = &wants->old_oid;
+               const char *remote_hex;
+               struct object *o;
+               /*
+                * If that object is complete (i.e. it is an ancestor of a
+                * local ref), we tell them we have it but do not have to
+                * tell them about its ancestors, which they already know
+                * about.
+                *
+                * We use lookup_object here because we are only
+                * interested in the case we *know* the object is
+                * reachable and we have already scanned it.
+                */
+               if (((o = lookup_object(remote->hash)) != NULL) &&
+                   (o->flags & COMPLETE)) {
+                       continue;
+               }
+               remote_hex = oid_to_hex(remote);
+               packet_buf_write(req_buf, "want %s\n", remote_hex);
+       }
+static int add_haves(struct strbuf *req_buf, int *in_vain)
+       int ret = 0;
+       int haves_added = 0;
+       const struct object_id *oid;
+       while ((oid = get_rev())) {
+               packet_buf_write(req_buf, "have %s\n", oid_to_hex(oid));
+               if (++haves_added >= INITIAL_FLUSH)
+                       break;
+       };
+       *in_vain += haves_added;
+       if (!haves_added || *in_vain >= MAX_IN_VAIN) {
+               /* Send Done */
+               packet_buf_write(req_buf, "done\n");
+               ret = 1;
+       }
+       return ret;
+static int send_haves(int fd_out, int *in_vain)
+       int ret = 0;
+       struct strbuf req_buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+       ret = add_haves(&req_buf, in_vain);
+       /* Send request */
+       packet_buf_flush(&req_buf);
+       write_or_die(fd_out, req_buf.buf, req_buf.len);
+       strbuf_release(&req_buf);
+       return ret;
+static int send_fetch_request(int fd_out, const struct fetch_pack_args *args,
+                             const struct ref *wants, struct oidset *common,
+                             int *in_vain)
+       int ret = 0;
+       struct strbuf req_buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+       packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "command=fetch");
+       packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "agent=%s", git_user_agent_sanitized());
+       if (args->stateless_rpc)
+               packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "stateless-rpc=true");
+       packet_buf_delim(&req_buf);
+       if (args->use_thin_pack)
+               packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "thin-pack");
+       if (args->no_progress)
+               packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "no-progress");
+       if (args->include_tag)
+               packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "include-tag");
+       if (prefer_ofs_delta)
+               packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "ofs-delta");
+       /* add wants */
+       add_wants(wants, &req_buf);
+       /*
+        * If we are running stateless-rpc we need to add all the common
+        * commits we've found in previous rounds
+        */
+       if (args->stateless_rpc) {
+               struct oidset_iter iter;
+               const struct object_id *oid;
+               oidset_iter_init(common, &iter);
+               while ((oid = oidset_iter_next(&iter))) {
+                       packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "have %s\n", 
+               }
+       }
+       /* Add initial haves */
+       ret = add_haves(&req_buf, in_vain);
+       /* Send request */
+       packet_buf_flush(&req_buf);
+       write_or_die(fd_out, req_buf.buf, req_buf.len);
+       strbuf_release(&req_buf);
+       return ret;
+static enum ack_type process_ack(const char *line, struct object_id *oid)
+       const char *arg;
+       if (!strcmp(line, "NAK"))
+               return NAK;
+       if (skip_prefix(line, "ACK ", &arg)) {
+               if (!parse_oid_hex(arg, oid, &arg)) {
+                       if (strstr(arg, "continue"))
+                               return ACK_continue;
+                       if (strstr(arg, "common"))
+                               return ACK_common;
+                       if (strstr(arg, "ready"))
+                               return ACK_ready;
+                       return ACK;
+               }
+       }
+       if (skip_prefix(line, "ERR ", &arg))
+               die(_("remote error: %s"), arg);
+       die(_("git fetch-pack: expected ACK/NAK, got '%s'"), line);
+static int process_acks(struct packet_reader *reader, struct oidset *common)
+       int got_ready = 0;
+       int got_common = 0;
+       while (packet_reader_read(reader) == PACKET_READ_NORMAL) {
+               struct object_id oid;
+               struct commit *commit;
+               enum ack_type ack = process_ack(reader->line, &oid);
+               switch (ack) {
+               case ACK_ready:
+                       clear_prio_queue(&rev_list);
+                       got_ready = 1;
+                       /* fallthrough */
+               case ACK_common:
+                       oidset_insert(common, &oid);
+                       commit = lookup_commit(&oid);
+                       mark_common(commit, 0, 1);
+                       got_common = 1;
+                       break;
+               case NAK:
+                       break;
+               case ACK:
+               case ACK_continue:
+                       die("ACK/ACK_continue not supported");
+               }
+       }
+       if (reader->status != PACKET_READ_FLUSH &&
+           reader->status != PACKET_READ_DELIM)
+               die("Error during processing acks: %d", reader->status);
+       /* return 0 if no common, 1 if there are common, or 2 if ready */
+       return got_ready + got_common;
+#define FETCH_GET_PACK 4
+#define FETCH_DONE 5
+static struct ref *do_fetch_pack_v2(struct fetch_pack_args *args,
+                                   int fd[2],
+                                   const struct ref *orig_ref,
+                                   struct ref **sought, int nr_sought,
+                                   char **pack_lockfile)
+       struct ref *ref = copy_ref_list(orig_ref);
+       int state = FETCH_CHECK_LOCAL;
+       struct oidset common = OIDSET_INIT;
+       struct packet_reader reader;
+       int in_vain = 0;
+       packet_reader_init(&reader, fd[0], NULL, 0,
+                          PACKET_READ_CHOMP_NEWLINE);
+       while (state != FETCH_DONE) {
+               switch (state) {
+               case FETCH_CHECK_LOCAL:
+                       sort_ref_list(&ref, ref_compare_name);
+                       QSORT(sought, nr_sought, cmp_ref_by_name);
+                       /* v2 supports these by default */
+                       allow_unadvertised_object_request |= 
+                       use_sideband = 2;
+                       /* Filter 'ref' by 'sought' and those that aren't local 
+                       if (everything_local(args, &ref, sought, nr_sought))
+                               state = FETCH_DONE;
+                       else
+                               state = FETCH_SEND_REQUEST;
+                       break;
+               case FETCH_SEND_REQUEST:
+                       if (send_fetch_request(fd[1], args, ref, &common, 
+                               state = FETCH_GET_PACK;
+                       else
+                               state = FETCH_PROCESS_ACKS;
+                       break;
+               case FETCH_PROCESS_ACKS:
+                       /* Process ACKs/NAKs */
+                       switch (process_acks(&reader, &common)) {
+                       case 2:
+                               state = FETCH_GET_PACK;
+                               break;
+                       case 1:
+                               in_vain = 0;
+                               /* fallthrough */
+                       default:
+                               if (args->stateless_rpc)
+                                       state = FETCH_SEND_REQUEST;
+                               else
+                                       state = FETCH_SEND_HAVES;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case FETCH_SEND_HAVES:
+                       if (send_haves(fd[1], &in_vain))
+                               state = FETCH_GET_PACK;
+                       else
+                               state = FETCH_PROCESS_ACKS;
+                       break;
+               case FETCH_GET_PACK:
+                       /* get the pack */
+                       if (get_pack(args, fd, pack_lockfile))
+                               die(_("git fetch-pack: fetch failed."));
+                       state = FETCH_DONE;
+                       break;
+               case FETCH_DONE:
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       die("invalid state");
+               }
+       }
+       oidset_clear(&common);
+       return ref;
 static void fetch_pack_config(void)
        git_config_get_int("fetch.unpacklimit", &fetch_unpack_limit);
@@ -1153,7 +1409,8 @@ struct ref *fetch_pack(struct fetch_pack_args *args,
                       const char *dest,
                       struct ref **sought, int nr_sought,
                       struct oid_array *shallow,
-                      char **pack_lockfile)
+                      char **pack_lockfile,
+                      enum protocol_version version)
        struct ref *ref_cpy;
        struct shallow_info si;
@@ -1167,8 +1424,12 @@ struct ref *fetch_pack(struct fetch_pack_args *args,
                die(_("no matching remote head"));
        prepare_shallow_info(&si, shallow);
-       ref_cpy = do_fetch_pack(args, fd, ref, sought, nr_sought,
-                               &si, pack_lockfile);
+       if (version == protocol_v2)
+               ref_cpy = do_fetch_pack_v2(args, fd, ref, sought, nr_sought,
+                                          pack_lockfile);
+       else
+               ref_cpy = do_fetch_pack(args, fd, ref, sought, nr_sought,
+                                       &si, pack_lockfile);
        update_shallow(args, sought, nr_sought, &si);
diff --git a/fetch-pack.h b/fetch-pack.h
index b6aeb43a8..7afca7305 100644
--- a/fetch-pack.h
+++ b/fetch-pack.h
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include "string-list.h"
 #include "run-command.h"
+#include "protocol.h"
 struct oid_array;
@@ -43,7 +44,8 @@ struct ref *fetch_pack(struct fetch_pack_args *args,
                       struct ref **sought,
                       int nr_sought,
                       struct oid_array *shallow,
-                      char **pack_lockfile);
+                      char **pack_lockfile,
+                      enum protocol_version version);
  * Print an appropriate error message for each sought ref that wasn't
diff --git a/t/t5701-protocol-v2.sh b/t/t5701-protocol-v2.sh
index 7d8aeb766..3e411e178 100755
--- a/t/t5701-protocol-v2.sh
+++ b/t/t5701-protocol-v2.sh
@@ -33,4 +33,44 @@ test_expect_success 'ref advertisment is filtered with 
ls-remote using protocol
        ! grep "refs/tags/" log
+test_expect_success 'clone with file:// using protocol v2' '
+       GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -c protocol.version=2 \
+               clone "file://$(pwd)/file_parent" file_child 2>log &&
+       git -C file_child log -1 --format=%s >actual &&
+       git -C file_parent log -1 --format=%s >expect &&
+       test_cmp expect actual &&
+       # Server responded using protocol v1
+       grep "clone< version 2" log
+test_expect_success 'fetch with file:// using protocol v2' '
+       test_commit -C file_parent two &&
+       GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -C file_child -c protocol.version=2 \
+               fetch origin 2>log &&
+       git -C file_child log -1 --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+       git -C file_parent log -1 --format=%s >expect &&
+       test_cmp expect actual &&
+       # Server responded using protocol v1
+       grep "fetch< version 2" log
+test_expect_success 'ref advertisment is filtered during fetch using protocol 
v2' '
+       test_commit -C file_parent three &&
+       GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -C file_child -c protocol.version=2 \
+               fetch origin master 2>log &&
+       git -C file_child log -1 --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+       git -C file_parent log -1 --format=%s >expect &&
+       test_cmp expect actual &&
+       grep "ref-pattern master" log &&
+       ! grep "refs/tags/" log
diff --git a/transport.c b/transport.c
index 6ea3905e3..4fdbd9adc 100644
--- a/transport.c
+++ b/transport.c
@@ -256,14 +256,18 @@ static int fetch_refs_via_pack(struct transport 
        switch (data->version) {
        case protocol_v2:
-               die("support for protocol v2 not implemented yet");
+               refs = fetch_pack(&args, data->fd, data->conn,
+                                 refs_tmp ? refs_tmp : transport->remote_refs,
+                                 dest, to_fetch, nr_heads, &data->shallow,
+                                 &transport->pack_lockfile, data->version);
+               packet_flush(data->fd[1]);
        case protocol_v1:
        case protocol_v0:
                refs = fetch_pack(&args, data->fd, data->conn,
                                  refs_tmp ? refs_tmp : transport->remote_refs,
                                  dest, to_fetch, nr_heads, &data->shallow,
-                                 &transport->pack_lockfile);
+                                 &transport->pack_lockfile, data->version);
        case protocol_unknown_version:
                BUG("unknown protocol version");

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