Hi Junio, Adam, Just a quick note about the failure of the test-suite on cygwin. In particular, test t5580-clone-push-unc.sh #3, like so:
$ ./t5580-clone-push-unc.sh -i -v ... ok 2 - clone expecting success: ( cd clone && git checkout -b to-push && test_commit to-push && git push origin HEAD ) && rev="$(git -C clone rev-parse --verify refs/heads/to-push)" && test "$rev" = "$(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/to-push)" Switched to a new branch 'to-push' [to-push 0adccbe] to-push Author: A U Thor <aut...@example.com> 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 to-push.t Counting objects: 3, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 289 bytes | 289.00 KiB/s, done. Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) error: remote unpack failed: unable to create temporary object directory To file:////localhost/C$/\cygwin64\home\ramsay\git\t\trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> to-push (unpacker error) error: failed to push some refs to 'file:////localhost/C$/\cygwin64\home\ramsay\git\t\trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc' not ok 3 - push # # ( # cd clone && # git checkout -b to-push && # test_commit to-push && # git push origin HEAD # ) && # rev="$(git -C clone rev-parse --verify refs/heads/to-push)" && # test "$rev" = "$(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/to-push)" # $ My first, knee-jerk, reaction on seeing the backslashes in the 'local' part of the pathname (despite what it says in commit f21d60b429) was to replace the 'cygpath -aw .' with 'cygpath -am .'. This leads to exactly the same error display as above, except '\\' replaced by '/' in the pathname! Hmm. Note: $ ls '//localhost/C$/\cygwin64\home\ramsay\git\t\trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc' clone/ initial.t $ ls '//localhost/C$//cygwin64/home/ramsay/git/t/trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc' clone/ initial.t $ ls //localhost/C$/\\cygwin64\\home\\ramsay\\git\\t\\trash\ directory.t5580-clone-push-unc clone/ initial.t $ So, after some debugging (using the 'cygpath -am .' version), it seems that the error message is caused by the mkdtemp() call in tmp_objdir_create() function (tmp-objdir.c:123), failing with an errno of 'permission denied'. At the time of the call to mkdtemp, the current working directory is given by '//localhost/C$/cygwin64/home/ramsay/git/t/trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc/.git', and the parameter to mkdtemp is (for example) "./objects/incoming-MgZCkI". $ cd trash\ directory.t5580-clone-push-unc/ $ ls clone/ initial.t $ ls .git branches/ config HEAD index logs/ refs/ COMMIT_EDITMSG description hooks-disabled/ info/ objects/ $ ls .git/objects 24/ 93/ e7/ info/ pack/ $ mkdir '//localhost/C$//cygwin64/home/ramsay/git/t/trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc/.git/./objects/incoming-MgZCkI' mkdir: cannot create directory ‘//localhost/C$//cygwin64/home/ramsay/git/t/trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc/.git/./objects/incoming-MgZCkI’: Permission denied $ So, when 'doing it by hand', I get the same result. ;-) Looking at the permissions: $ ls -ld '//localhost/C$//cygwin64/home/ramsay/git/t/trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc/.git/./objects' drwxr-xr-x+ 1 ramsay None 0 Dec 30 13:51 '//localhost/C$//cygwin64/home/ramsay/git/t/trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc/.git/./objects'/ $ ls -ld '//localhost/C$//cygwin64/home/ramsay/git/t/trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc/.git' drwxr-xr-x+ 1 ramsay None 0 Dec 30 13:51 '//localhost/C$//cygwin64/home/ramsay/git/t/trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc/.git'/ $ ls -ld '//localhost/C$//cygwin64/home/ramsay/git/t/trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc' drwxr-xr-x+ 1 ramsay None 0 Dec 30 13:51 '//localhost/C$//cygwin64/home/ramsay/git/t/trash directory.t5580-clone-push-unc'/ ... and so on, until: $ ls -ld '//localhost/C$' d---r-x---+ 1 TrustedInstaller TrustedInstaller 0 Oct 28 16:16 '//localhost/C$'/ $ Doing a quick web-search on '//localhost/C$' lead me to several posts which seem to suggest the problem could be related to UAC filtering on remote shares (and the fact that I am on Windows 10), along with a registry setting for 'LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy'. However, I have not had time to look into any of that. Adam, are you running the tests on Windows 10? I have to go now, so I can't look at this further today. Just FYI. ATB, Ramsay Jones