On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 10:33 PM, Lars Schneider
<larsxschnei...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 16 Dec 2017, at 13:57, SZEDER Gábor <szeder....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ever since we have started to use Travis CI in 522354d70 (Add Travis
>> CI support, 2015-11-27), our 64 bit Linux build jobs install the
>> 'languate-pack-is' package.  That commit doesn't discuss why it was
>> deemed necessary back then, but Travis CI can build and test Git
>> without that package just fine, even that commit introducing Travis CI
>> support.
> If I remember correctly then we had to install the Icelandic
> language pack for the i18n tests (e.g. t0204):
> https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/t/lib-gettext.sh
> https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/language-pack-is
> However, I checked your Travis-CI and I cannot spot any errors:
> https://travis-ci.org/szeder/git/jobs/317494789

Ah, now I start to understand.  I was only looking for errors, too, but
there are none, because the tests requiring the language pack are
protected by the appropriate prerequisites.  On my box, without and
with the language pack:

  $ ./t0204-gettext-reencode-sanity.sh
  # lib-gettext: No is_IS UTF-8 locale available
  # lib-gettext: No is_IS ISO-8859-1 locale available
  ok 1 # skip gettext: Emitting UTF-8 from our UTF-8 *.mo files /
Icelandic (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
  ok 2 # skip gettext: Emitting UTF-8 from our UTF-8 *.mo files /
Runes (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
  ok 3 # skip gettext: Emitting ISO-8859-1 from our UTF-8 *.mo files /
Icelandic (missing GETTEXT_ISO_LOCALE)
  ok 4 # skip gettext: impossible ISO-8859-1 output (missing GETTEXT_ISO_LOCALE)
  ok 5 # skip gettext: Fetching a UTF-8 msgid -> UTF-8 (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
  ok 6 # skip gettext: Fetching a UTF-8 msgid -> ISO-8859-1 (missing
  ok 7 # skip gettext.c: git init UTF-8 -> UTF-8 (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
  ok 8 # skip gettext.c: git init UTF-8 -> ISO-8859-1 (missing
  # passed all 8 test(s)

  $ sudo apt-get install language-pack-is
  $ ./t0204-gettext-reencode-sanity.sh
  # lib-gettext: Found 'is_IS.utf8' as an is_IS UTF-8 locale
  # lib-gettext: No is_IS ISO-8859-1 locale available
  ok 1 - gettext: Emitting UTF-8 from our UTF-8 *.mo files / Icelandic
  ok 2 - gettext: Emitting UTF-8 from our UTF-8 *.mo files / Runes
  ok 3 # skip gettext: Emitting ISO-8859-1 from our UTF-8 *.mo files /
Icelandic (missing GETTEXT_ISO_LOCALE)
  ok 4 # skip gettext: impossible ISO-8859-1 output (missing GETTEXT_ISO_LOCALE)
  ok 5 - gettext: Fetching a UTF-8 msgid -> UTF-8
  ok 6 # skip gettext: Fetching a UTF-8 msgid -> ISO-8859-1 (missing
  ok 7 - gettext.c: git init UTF-8 -> UTF-8
  ok 8 # skip gettext.c: git init UTF-8 -> ISO-8859-1 (missing
  # passed all 8 test(s)

I'd expect something like this in the Travis CI build jobs as well, but
prove hides the detailed output.

It seems we would loose coverage with this patch, so it should be

> I am a bit puzzled. Maybe the Icelandic language pack was not part
> of the Ubuntu image that was used when we introduced Travis CI?
> The Ubuntu default image was 12.04 back then:
> https://travis-ci.org/git/git/jobs/100241871
> Nowadays it is 14.04.
> @Avar:
> Do you know what kind of errors we should expect if the language
> pack is not installed?
> Thanks,
> Lars
>> Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <szeder....@gmail.com>
>> ---
>> .travis.yml | 1 -
>> 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
>> diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
>> index 4684b3f4f..ea11b5af6 100644
>> --- a/.travis.yml
>> +++ b/.travis.yml
>> @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ compiler:
>> addons:
>>   apt:
>>     packages:
>> -    - language-pack-is
>>     - git-svn
>>     - apache2
>> --

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