On 12/06, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> Brandon Williams <bmw...@google.com> writes:
> EXPECTING_DONE sounded like we are expecting to see 'done' packet
> sent from the other side, but I was mistaken.  It is the state
> where we are "done" expecting anything ;-).
> Having an (unconditional) assignment to 'state' in the above switch
> makes me feel somewhat uneasy, as the next "switch (state)" is what
> is meant as the state machine that would allow us to say things like
> "from this state, transition to that state is impossible".  When we
> get a flush while we are expecting the first ref, for example, we'd
> just go into the "done" state.  There is no provision for a future
> update to say "no, getting a flush in this state is an error".

I believe this is accepted behavior, receiving a flush in that state.
And I don't think there is ever an instance during the ref advertisement
where a flush would be an error.  It just indicates that the
advertisement is finished.

> That is no different from the current code; when read_remote_ref()
> notices that it got a flush, it just leaves the loop without even
> touching 'state' variable.  But at least, I find that the current
> code is more honest---it does not even touch 'state' and allows the
> code after the loop to inspect it, if needed.  From that point of
> vhew, the way the new code uses 'state' to leave the loop upon
> seeing a flush is a regression---it makes it harder to notice and
> report when we got a flush in a wrong state.
> Perhaps getting rid of "EXPECTING_DONE" from the enum and then:
>       int got_flush = 0;
>       while (1) {
>               switch (reader_read()) {
>               case PACKET_READ_FLUSH:
>                       got_flush = 1;
>                       break;
>               ... other cases ...
>               }
>               if (got_flush)
>                       break;
>               switch (state) {
>               ... current code ...
>               }
>       }
> would be an improvement; we can later extend "if (got_flush)" part
> to check what state we are in if we wanted to notice and report an
> error there before breaking out of the loop.

I don't really see how this is any clearer from what this patch does
though.  I thought it made it easier to read as you no longer have an
infinite loop, but rather know when it will end (when you move to the
done state).

Brandon Williams

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