Hello all, I'm trying clone in windows a git repository to other remote machine (NAS Linux based). I have installed git for windows but i didn't installed nothing in the other remote machine (NAS Linux based).
I open git-bash and I try do this: "git clone user@IP:/directory/where/i/want/clone". This doesnt work because I obtain "sh: git-upload-pack: command not found". I search in google and I found a possible solution, I need add -u /path/to/git-upload-pack. When i try again writing git clone -u /c/Git/mingw64/bin/git-upload-pack user@IP:/directory/where/i/want/clone After I Write the password I obtain sh: C:/Git/mingw64/bin/git-upload-pack: No such file or directory. But it exists! (in my local computer windows) I'm newbie with Git and Unix system. What can i do ? Thanks a lot!