On Sunday 19 November 2017 06:34 AM, Eric Sunshine wrote:
On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 12:26 PM, Kaartic Sivaraam
<kaartic.sivar...@gmail.com> wrote:
diff --git a/builtin/branch.c b/builtin/branch.c
@@ -462,6 +462,8 @@ static void copy_or_rename_branch(const char *oldname,
const char *newname, int
struct strbuf oldref = STRBUF_INIT, newref = STRBUF_INIT, logmsg =
struct strbuf oldsection = STRBUF_INIT, newsection = STRBUF_INIT;
+ const char *prefix_free_oldref = NULL;
+ const char *prefix_free_newref = NULL;
A bit of a mouthful.
Quite possibly.
> Perhaps name these 'oldname' and 'newname' or something?
How about the following ?
1) "interpreted_oldname" and "interpreted_newname" or
2) "stripped_oldref" and "stripped_newref"
I couldn't come up with better names for now.