On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 03:21:57PM +0100, Christian Couder wrote:
> Yeah I agree that it might be something interesting for the user to do.
> But in this case the sequence in which you give the good and the bad
> commits is not important.
> Only the last bad commit and the set of good commits that were given
> are important.

Is it really true that of the bad commits, only the last one is significant?

Suppose we have a git tree that looks like this:

          |                        |
  G1--*--D1---*---*---*---B2-\     |
          |                   \    /

If we know that commits B2 and B3 are bad, if we assume that all
commits before the "bad" commit are good, all commits after the "bad"
commit are bad, can we not deduce that commit D1 should also be "bad"?

                                              - Ted

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