On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 8:15 AM, Max Rothman <max.r.roth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just re-discovered this in my inbox. So is this worth fixing? I could
> (probably) figure out a patch.
> Thanks,
> Max

$ git log -- <TAB>
Display all 100 possibilities? (y or n)

I guess adding one more option is no big deal, so go for it!
We also have a couple --no-options already (as you said earlier),
which I think makes it even more viable.

I wonder if we can cascade the completion by common
prefixes, e.g. --no- or --ignore- occurs a couple of times,
such that we could only show these --no- once and only
if you try autocompleting thereafter you get all --no- options.

Thanks for reviving this thread!

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