Objective =========== Replace Git's current wire protocol with a simpler, less wasteful protocol that can evolve over time.
Background ============ Git's wire protocol is the language used to clone/fetch/push from/to a remote git repository. A detailed explanation of the current protocol spec can be found [here](https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/git/git.git/tree/Documentation/technical/pack-protocol.txt). Some of the pain points with the current protocol spec are: * The server's initial response is the ref advertisement. This advertisement cannot be omitted and can become an issue due to the sheer number of refs that can be sent with large repositories. For example, when contacting the internal equivalent of `https://android.googlesource.com/`, the server will send approximately 1 million refs totaling 71MB. This is data that is sent during each and every fetch and is not scalable. * Capabilities were implemented as a hack and are hidden behind a NUL byte after the first ref sent from the server during the ref advertisement: <SHA1> <Ref Name>\0<capabilities space separated> <symref> <agent> Since they are sent in the context of a pkt-line they are also subject to the same length limitations (1k bytes with old clients). While we may not be close to hitting this limitation with capabilities alone, it has become a problem when trying to abuse capabilities for other purposes (e.g. [symrefs](https://public-inbox.org/git/20160816161838.klvjhhoxsftvkfmd@x/)). * Various other technical debt (e.g. abusing capabilities to communicate agent and symref data, service name set using a query parameter). Overview ========== This document presents a specification for a version 2 of Git's wire protocol. Protocol v2 will improve upon v1 in the following ways: * Instead of multiple service names, multiple commands will be supported by a single service * Easily extendable as capabilities are moved into their own section of the protocol, no longer being hidden behind a NUL byte and limited by the size of a pkt-line (as there will be a single capability per pkt-line). * Separate out other information hidden behind NUL bytes (e.g. agent string as a capability and symrefs can be requested using 'ls-ref') * Ref advertisement will be omitted unless explicitly requested * ls-ref command to explicitly request some refs Detailed Design ================= A client can request to speak protocol v2 by sending `version=2` in the side-channel `GIT_PROTOCOL` in the initial request to the server. In protocol v2 communication is command oriented. When first contacting a server a list of capabilities will advertised. Some of these capabilities will be commands which a client can request be executed. Once a command has completed, a client can reuse the connection and request that other commands be executed Special Packets ----------------- In protocol v2 these special packets will have the following semantics: * '0000' Flush Packet (flush-pkt) - indicates the end of a message * '0001' End-of-List delimiter (delim-pkt) - indicates the end of a list Capability Advertisement -------------------------- A server which decides to communicate (based on a request from a client) using protocol version 2, notifies the client by sending a version string in its initial response followed by an advertisement of its capabilities. Each capability is a key with an optional value. Clients must ignore all unknown keys. Semantics of unknown values are left to the definition of each key. Some capabilities will describe commands which can be requested to be executed by the client. capability-advertisement = protocol-version capability-list flush-pkt protocol-version = PKT-LINE("version 2" LF) capability-list = *capability capability = PKT-LINE(key[=value] LF) key = 1*CHAR value = 1*CHAR CHAR = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "_") A client then responds to select the command it wants with any particular capabilities or arguments. There is then an optional section where the client can provide any command specific parameters or queries. command-request = command capability-list delim-pkt (command specific parameters) flush-pkt command = PKT-LINE("command=" key LF) The server will then acknowledge the command and requested capabilities by echoing them back to the client and then launch into the command. acknowledge-request = command capability-list delim-pkt execute-command execute-command = <defined by each command> A particular command can last for as many rounds as are required to complete the service (multiple for negotiation during fetch and push or no additional trips in the case of ls-refs). Commands in v2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Services are the core actions that a client wants to perform (fetch, push, etc). Each service has its own set of capabilities and its own language of commands (think 'want' lines in fetch). Optionally a service can take in initial parameters or data when a client sends it service request. Ls-refs --------- Ls-refs can be looked at as the equivalent of the current ls-remote as it is a way to query a remote for the references that it has. Unlike the current ls-remote, the filtering of the output is done on the server side by passing a number of parameters to the server-side command instead of the filtering occurring on the client. Ls-ref takes in the following parameters: --head, --tags: Limit to only refs/heads or refs/tags --refs: Do not show peeled tags or pseudorefs like HEAD --symref: In addition to the object pointed by it, show the underlying ref pointed by it when showing a symbolic ref <refspec>: When specified, only references matching the given patterns are displayed. The output of ls-refs is as follows: output = (no-refs / list-of-refs) *symref *shallow flush-pkt no-refs = PKT-LINE(zero-id SP no-refs LF) list-of-refs = *ref ref = PKT-LINE((tip / peeled) LF) tip = obj-id SP refname peeled = obj-id SP refname "^{}" symref = PKT-LINE("symref" SP symbolic-ref SP resolved-ref LF) shallow = PKT-LINE("shallow" SP obj-id LF) Fetch ------- Fetch will need to be a modified version of the v1 fetch protocol. Some potential areas for improvement are: Ref-in-want, CDN offloading, Fetch-options. Since we'll have an 'ls-ref' service we can eliminate the need of fetch to perform a ref-advertisement, instead a client can run the 'ls-refs' service first, in order to find out what refs the server has, and then request those refs directly using the fetch service. //TODO Flush out the design Fetch-object -------------- This service could be used by partial clones in order to request missing objects. //TODO Flush out the design Push ------ Push will need to be a modified version of the v1 push protocol. Some potential areas for improvement are: Fix push-options, Negotiation for force push. One change that will need to happen is to improve how `push-options` are sent to the server (so that they aren't sent twice!!). Also the report-status needs to be better than it currently is in v1 so that tools like gerrit can explain what it did with the ref-update the client sent to it. Maybe have a push-rebase capability or command? //TODO Flush out the design Other Considerations ====================== * Move away from pkt-line framing? * Have responses structured in well known formats (e.g. JSON) * Eliminate initial round-trip using 'GIT_PROTOCOL' side-channel * Additional commands in a partial clone world (e.g. log, grep)