I am Mrs. Asana Hajraf and I am married to Mr. Hassan Hajraf from kuwait for 19
years without a child and my husband died in 2014. I am contacting you to let
you know my desire to donate the sum of $4.5 million to charities in your
country which I inherited from my late husband. Due to my illness of cancer
were confirmed out of just eight months, so it is my desire to see that this
money is invested to any organization of your choice and distributed each year
among the charity organizations, motherless babies home, schools and support
for the men and women homeless or what you may consider to be the benefit of
those less fortunate. I do not want this fund to be invested in a manner
without God. As soon as I receive your reply confirming your acceptance of the
work I tell you, I will give all relevant information to authorize the release
and transfer the money to you as my duly appointed representative.
Mrs Asana Hajraf.