I added "v2" after "PATCH", but it does not appeared. Actually it was
written automatically and it was "PATCH Outreachy v2". I rearranged it
in the middle of the phrase.

>> I forgot about leak. I also need to add checking in mru_clear. That's
>> not beautiful solution but it works reliably.
> I'm not sure what you mean about checking in mru_clear(). It may make
> sense to just send your v2 patch and I can see there what you do.

I realized that I said something strange before. I solved the problem
with leak by deleting INIT in prepare_packed_git and adding init as
you suggested here:

By the way, I asked to edit FAQ for Linux kernel newbies about linked
list that confused me a week ago, and that funny picture was deleted.
Maybe it will help to someone else :)

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