Remove the feature of `get_oid_hex_segment()` that it pads the rest of
the `oid` argument with zeros. Instead, do this at the caller who
needs it.

This makes the functionality of this function more coherent and
removes the need for its `oid_len` argument.

Signed-off-by: Michael Haggerty <>
 notes.c | 24 +++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/notes.c b/notes.c
index 534fda007e..ce9ba36179 100644
--- a/notes.c
+++ b/notes.c
@@ -339,15 +339,14 @@ static void note_tree_free(struct int_node *tree)
  * - hex      - Partial SHA1 segment in ASCII hex format
  * - hex_len  - Length of above segment. Must be multiple of 2 between 0 and 40
  * - oid      - Partial SHA1 value is written here
- * - oid_len  - Max #bytes to store in sha1, Must be >= hex_len / 2, and < 20
  * Return 0 on success or -1 on error (invalid arguments or input not
- * in hex format). Pad oid with NULs up to oid_len.
+ * in hex format).
 static int get_oid_hex_segment(const char *hex, unsigned int hex_len,
-               unsigned char *oid, unsigned int oid_len)
+               unsigned char *oid)
        unsigned int i, len = hex_len >> 1;
-       if (hex_len % 2 != 0 || len > oid_len)
+       if (hex_len % 2 != 0)
                return -1;
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                unsigned int val = (hexval(hex[0]) << 4) | hexval(hex[1]);
@@ -356,8 +355,6 @@ static int get_oid_hex_segment(const char *hex, unsigned 
int hex_len,
                *oid++ = val;
                hex += 2;
-       for (; i < oid_len; i++)
-               *oid++ = 0;
        return 0;
@@ -442,24 +439,29 @@ static void load_subtree(struct notes_tree *t, struct 
leaf_node *subtree,
                                goto handle_non_note;
                        if (get_oid_hex_segment(entry.path, path_len,
-                                               object_oid.hash + prefix_len,
-                                               GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ - prefix_len))
+                                               object_oid.hash + prefix_len))
                                goto handle_non_note; /* entry.path is not a 
SHA1 */
                        type = PTR_TYPE_NOTE;
                } else if (path_len == 2) {
                        /* This is potentially an internal node */
+                       size_t len = prefix_len;
                        if (!S_ISDIR(entry.mode))
                                /* internal nodes must be trees */
                                goto handle_non_note;
                        if (get_oid_hex_segment(entry.path, 2,
-                                               object_oid.hash + prefix_len,
-                                               GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ - prefix_len))
+                                               object_oid.hash + len++))
                                goto handle_non_note; /* entry.path is not a 
SHA1 */
-                       object_oid.hash[KEY_INDEX] = (unsigned char) 
(prefix_len + 1);
+                       /*
+                        * Pad the rest of the SHA-1 with zeros,
+                        * except for the last byte, where we write
+                        * the length:
+                        */
+                       memset(object_oid.hash + len, 0, GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ - len - 
+                       object_oid.hash[KEY_INDEX] = (unsigned char)len;
                        type = PTR_TYPE_SUBTREE;
                } else {

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