On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 12:23:05AM +0100, Adam Spiers wrote:

> > [1] I actually keep a local archive and convert public-inbox URLs into
> >     local requests that I view in mutt.
> Sounds like a neat trick - any scripts / config worth sharing?

It's probably too specific to my setup, but here it is anyway.

I keep the archive in a normal maildir, which I index with the mairix
tool (you could do the same thing with maildir-utils or notmuch). New
messages get put into the maildir by mutt's auto-move feature after I've
read them.

Then I have a few keys bound in mutt:

  macro pager,index M '<pipe-message>gmane<enter>'
  macro pager,index B '<pipe-message>rmairix-gmane<enter>'

(you can tell from the names that these predate public-inbox entirely).

The "gmane" script just opens a browser pointing to the current message
in the archive, from which I then 'y'ank the URL into the clipboard or
pasting. The network round-trip was necessary for gmane, since the
article ids were not predictable. For public-inbox, it's not necessary,
but old habits die hard (and it's a nice cross-check that the link
you're sending out isn't broken).

Here's that script:

-- >8 --

mid() {
  exec webview "http://public-inbox.org/git/$1";

article() {
  exec webview "http://public-inbox.org/git/?q=gmane:$1";

find_mid() {
  perl -ne 'if(/^message-id:\s*<([^>]+)>/i) { print $1, "\n"; exit 0 }'

case "$#" in
  0) id=`find_mid`
     case "$id" in
       "") echo >&2 "fatal: unable to extract message-id from stdin"; exit 1 ;;
        *) mid "$id" ;;
  1) case "$1" in
       *@*) mid "$1" ;;
         *) article "$1" ;;
  *) echo >&2 "fatal: don't know how to handle $# arguments"; exit 100 ;;
-- 8< --

The "webview" command is just a personal wrapper that decides which
browser to use. You could replace it with "firefox" or "chromium" or

The "rmairix-gmane" script picks out gmane/public-inbox references and
re-opens them in mutt. It looks like this:

-- >8 --
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use URI;
use URI::Escape;

if (@ARGV) {
  show_gmane_article($_) foreach @ARGV;
else {
  while(<>) {
    if (m{http://[^/]*gmane.org/[-\w/.]+}) {
    if (m{https?://public-inbox.org/git/([^/]+)}) {
exit 0;

sub show_mid {
  system("rmairix -t m:" . quotemeta(shift) . " </dev/tty");

sub show_gmane_url {
  my ($group, $article) = extract_article(shift);

sub show_gmane_article {
  my $article = shift;
  my $mid = gmane_to_mid($article);
  show_mid($mid) if defined $mid;

sub gmane_to_mid {
  my $want = shift;

  open(my $map, "-|", qw(gunzip -c), "$ENV{HOME}/.gmane-to-mid.gz");
  while (<$map>) {
    my ($nr, $mid) = split / /, $_, 2;
    return $mid if $nr == $want;

sub extract_article {
  my @path = URI->new(shift)->path_segments;

  # first one is always empty in absolute URL
  shift @path unless length($path[0]);

  # group is always next
  my $group = shift @path;

  # and then look for numbers starting from the back. E.g.,
  # focus=N for threads, or just "N" for articles
  while (@path) {
    local $_ = pop @path;
    return ($group, $&) if /\d+/;

  return ($group, undef);
-- 8< --

The two extra bits you'd need are:

  - the ~/.gmane-to-mid.gz mapping. I don't remember if I made this
    myself or stole it from one that Eric posted. I'm happy to share if
    anybody wants it.

  - rmairix is a personal wrapper around mairix that ssh's to my imap
    server to do the search and then starts mutt on the result.

    Naturally I also use it for general queries like

      rmairix -t f:peff sanitize thread

I hope that helps.  I suspect it may be more useful to people as
inspiration and not as running code. I'm happy to answer any questions
or give any guidance I can.


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