
On 08/23/2017 01:08 AM, Stefan Beller wrote:
> The editor opened proposing the following instruction sheet,
> which in my opinion is buggy:
>     pick 1234 some commit
>     exec make
>     pick 2345 another commit
>     exec make
>     pick 3456 third commit
>     # pick 4567 empty commit
>     exec make
>     pick 5678  yet another commit
>     exec make

This reminds me of another bug I stumbled over recently regarding empty

Do this:
        # repo preparation:
        git init
        :> file1
        git add file1
        git commit -m "add file1"
        :> file2
        git add file2
        git commit -m "add file2"

        # the bug:
        git checkout -b to-be-rebased master^
        git commit --allow-empty -m "empty commit"
        git rebase -i master

It says "Nothing to do".
Unsurprisingly, the problem persists when you apply other empty commits:

        git commit --allow-empty -m "another empty commit"
        git rebase -i master

Adding a "real" commit solves the problem:

        git add file3
        git commit -m "add file3"

Adding further empty commits is no problem:

        git commit --allow-empty -m "yet another empty commit"

So the problem seems to be that rebase -i (like rebase without -i)
considers "empty commits" as commits to be ignored. However, when using
rebase -i one expects that you can include the empty commit...

Also, the behavior is odd. When I only have empty commits, a "git rebase
master" works as expected like a "git reset --hard master" but "git
rebase -i" does nothing.

The expected behavior would be that the editor shows up with a
git-rebase-todo like:
        # pick 3d0f6c49 empty commit
        # pick bbbc5941 another empty commit


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