Prathamesh Chavan <> writes:

> -static void init_submodule(const char *path, const char *prefix, int quiet)
> +static void for_each_submodule_list(const struct module_list list,
> +                                 submodule_list_func_t fn, void *cb_data)

It may not be wrong per-se, but can't this just be for_each_submodule()?

Your "justification" may be that this makes it clear that you are
iterating over module_list and not other kind of group of
submodules, but I would say the design of the subsystem is broken if
some places use a list of submodules while some other places use an
array of submodules to represent a group of submodules.  Especially
when there is a dedicated type to hold a group of submodules,
i.e. struct module-list, that type should be used consistently
throughout the subsystem and API, no?

>  {
> +     int i;
> +     for (i = 0; i <; i++)
> +             fn(list.entries[i], cb_data);
> +}

Also, did you really want to pass the structure by value?  At least
in C, it is more customary to pass these things by pointer, i.e.

        for_each_submodule(struct module_list *list,
                           for_each_submodule_fn fn,
                           void *cb_data)
                for (i = 0; i < list->nr; i++)

Otherwise you'd be making a copy on stack unnecessarily (ok, "const"
might hint a smart compiler to turn this inefficient code to pass it
by pointer, but I do not think it is a particulary good to rely on
such things).

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