I tried running the test suite on Git compiled with ThreadSanitizer
(SANITIZE=thread). Maybe this series could be useful for someone else
trying to do the same. I needed the first patch to avoid warnings when
compiling, although it actually has nothing to do with threads.

The last four patches are about avoiding some issues where
ThreadSanitizer complains for reasonable reasons, but which to the best
of my understanding are not real problems. These patches could be useful
to make "actual" problems stand out more. Of course, if no-one ever runs
ThreadSanitizer, they are of little to no (or even negative) value...

I'll follow up with the two remaining issues that I found but which I do
not try to address in this series.


Martin Ågren (5):
  convert: initialize attr_action in convert_attrs
  pack-objects: take lock before accessing `remaining`
  Makefile: define GIT_THREAD_SANITIZER
  strbuf_reset: don't write to slopbuf with ThreadSanitizer
  ThreadSanitizer: add suppressions

 strbuf.h               | 12 ++++++++++++
 builtin/pack-objects.c |  6 ++++++
 convert.c              |  2 +-
 Makefile               |  3 +++
 .tsan-suppressions     | 12 ++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 .tsan-suppressions


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