When using git-blame lots of lines contain redundant information, for
example in hunks that consist of multiple lines, the metadata (commit name,
author) are repeated. A reader may not be interested in those, so darken
(commit, author) information that is the same as in the previous line.

Choose a different approach for dates and imitate a 'temperature cool down'
for the dates. Compute the time range of all involved blamed commits
and then color
 * lines of old commits dark (aged 0-50% in that time range)
 * lines of medium age normal (50-80%)
 * lines of new age red (80-95%)
 * lines just introduced bright yellow (95-100%)

Signed-off-by: Stefan Beller <sbel...@google.com>

  I played around with it a bit more, using a different color scheme
  for dates, http://i.imgur.com/redhaLi.png

 builtin/blame.c | 140 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 color.h         |   1 +
 2 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builtin/blame.c b/builtin/blame.c
index bda1a78726..552ea8e6f7 100644
--- a/builtin/blame.c
+++ b/builtin/blame.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include "cache.h"
 #include "config.h"
+#include "color.h"
 #include "builtin.h"
 #include "commit.h"
 #include "diff.h"
@@ -283,11 +284,14 @@ static void found_guilty_entry(struct blame_entry *ent, 
void *data)
 static const char *format_time(timestamp_t time, const char *tz_str,
-                              int show_raw_time)
+                              int show_raw_time, const char *color,
+                              const char *reset)
        static struct strbuf time_buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+       if (color)
+               strbuf_addstr(&time_buf, color);
        if (show_raw_time) {
                strbuf_addf(&time_buf, "%"PRItime" %s", time, tz_str);
@@ -307,6 +311,8 @@ static const char *format_time(timestamp_t time, const char 
                        strbuf_addch(&time_buf, ' ');
+       if (reset)
+               strbuf_addstr(&time_buf, reset);
        return time_buf.buf;
@@ -319,7 +325,8 @@ static const char *format_time(timestamp_t time, const char 
 #define OUTPUT_SHOW_SCORE      0100
 #define OUTPUT_NO_AUTHOR       0200
 #define OUTPUT_SHOW_EMAIL      0400
 static void emit_porcelain_details(struct blame_origin *suspect, int repeat)
@@ -367,19 +374,62 @@ static void emit_porcelain(struct blame_scoreboard *sb, 
struct blame_entry *ent,
-static void emit_other(struct blame_scoreboard *sb, struct blame_entry *ent, 
int opt)
+static void emit_other(struct blame_scoreboard *sb,
+                      struct blame_entry *ent,
+                      struct blame_entry *prev,
+                      int opt,
+                      timestamp_t min_t,
+                      timestamp_t max_t)
        int cnt;
        const char *cp;
        struct blame_origin *suspect = ent->suspect;
-       struct commit_info ci;
+       struct commit_info ci, prev_ci;
        char hex[GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 1];
        int show_raw_time = !!(opt & OUTPUT_RAW_TIMESTAMP);
+       int prev_same_field = 0;
+       const char *use_color, *reset_color = GIT_COLOR_RESET;
+       const char *date_color = NULL;
        get_commit_info(suspect->commit, &ci, 1);
        oid_to_hex_r(hex, &suspect->commit->object.oid);
        cp = blame_nth_line(sb, ent->lno);
+       commit_info_init(&prev_ci);
+       if ((opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_HIGHLIGHT) && prev) {
+               get_commit_info(prev->suspect->commit, &prev_ci, 1);
+               if ((opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_SCORE) && ent->score == prev->score)
+                       prev_same_field |= OUTPUT_SHOW_SCORE;
+               if ((opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_NAME) && prev->suspect && 
!strcmp(suspect->path, prev->suspect->path))
+                       prev_same_field |= OUTPUT_SHOW_NAME;
+               if ((opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_NUMBER) &&
+                   ent->s_lno == prev->s_lno + prev->num_lines - 1)
+                       prev_same_field |= OUTPUT_SHOW_NUMBER;
+               if (!(opt & OUTPUT_NO_AUTHOR)) {
+                       if (((opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_EMAIL) &&
+                            !strcmp(ci.author_mail.buf, 
prev_ci.author_mail.buf)) ||
+                           !strcmp(ci.author.buf, prev_ci.author.buf))
+                               prev_same_field |= OUTPUT_NO_AUTHOR;
+               }
+       }
+       if (opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_HIGHLIGHT) {
+               if (max_t == min_t) {
+                       date_color = GIT_COLOR_NORMAL;
+               } else {
+                       float score = 1.0 * (ci.author_time - min_t);
+                       score /= (1.0 * (max_t - min_t));
+                       if (score > 0.95)
+                               date_color = GIT_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW;
+                       else if (score > 0.8)
+                               date_color = GIT_COLOR_RED;
+                       else if (score > 0.5)
+                               date_color = GIT_COLOR_NORMAL;
+                       else
+                               date_color = GIT_COLOR_DARK;
+               }
+       }
        for (cnt = 0; cnt < ent->num_lines; cnt++) {
                char ch;
                int length = (opt & OUTPUT_LONG_OBJECT_NAME) ? GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ : 
@@ -392,8 +442,12 @@ static void emit_other(struct blame_scoreboard *sb, struct 
blame_entry *ent, int
+               use_color = GIT_COLOR_NORMAL;
+               if ((opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_HIGHLIGHT) && cnt > 0)
+                       use_color = GIT_COLOR_DARK;
+               printf("%s%.*s%s", use_color, length, hex, reset_color);
-               printf("%.*s", length, hex);
                if (opt & OUTPUT_ANNOTATE_COMPAT) {
                        const char *name;
                        if (opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_EMAIL)
@@ -402,20 +456,36 @@ static void emit_other(struct blame_scoreboard *sb, 
struct blame_entry *ent, int
                                name = ci.author.buf;
                        printf("\t(%10s\t%10s\t%d)", name,
                               format_time(ci.author_time, ci.author_tz.buf,
-                                          show_raw_time),
+                                          show_raw_time, NULL, NULL),
                               ent->lno + 1 + cnt);
                } else {
-                       if (opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_SCORE)
-                               printf(" %*d %02d",
+                       if (opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_SCORE) {
+                               use_color = GIT_COLOR_NORMAL;
+                               if ((opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_HIGHLIGHT) &&
+                                   (cnt > 0 || prev_same_field & 
+                                       use_color = GIT_COLOR_DARK;
+                               printf(" %s%*d %02d%s", use_color,
                                       max_score_digits, ent->score,
-                                      ent->suspect->refcnt);
-                       if (opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_NAME)
-                               printf(" %-*.*s", longest_file, longest_file,
-                                      suspect->path);
-                       if (opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_NUMBER)
-                               printf(" %*d", max_orig_digits,
-                                      ent->s_lno + 1 + cnt);
+                                      ent->suspect->refcnt, reset_color);
+                       }
+                       if (opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_NAME) {
+                               use_color = GIT_COLOR_NORMAL;
+                               if ((opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_HIGHLIGHT) &&
+                                   (cnt > 0 || prev_same_field & 
+                                       use_color = GIT_COLOR_DARK;
+                               printf(" %s%-*.*s%s", use_color, longest_file,
+                                                     longest_file,
+                                                     suspect->path,
+                                                     reset_color);
+                       }
+                       if (opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_NUMBER) {
+                               use_color = GIT_COLOR_NORMAL;
+                               if ((opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_HIGHLIGHT) &&
+                                   (cnt > 0 || prev_same_field & 
+                                       use_color = GIT_COLOR_DARK;
+                               printf(" %s%*d%s", use_color, max_orig_digits,
+                                      ent->s_lno + 1 + cnt, reset_color);
+                       }
                        if (!(opt & OUTPUT_NO_AUTHOR)) {
                                const char *name;
                                int pad;
@@ -423,12 +493,21 @@ static void emit_other(struct blame_scoreboard *sb, 
struct blame_entry *ent, int
                                        name = ci.author_mail.buf;
                                        name = ci.author.buf;
+                               use_color = GIT_COLOR_NORMAL;
+                               if ((opt & OUTPUT_SHOW_HIGHLIGHT) &&
+                                   (cnt > 0 || prev_same_field & 
+                                       use_color = GIT_COLOR_DARK;
                                pad = longest_author - utf8_strwidth(name);
-                               printf(" (%s%*s %10s",
-                                      name, pad, "",
-                                      format_time(ci.author_time,
-                                                  ci.author_tz.buf,
-                                                  show_raw_time));
+                               printf(" %s(%s%*s%s", use_color,
+                                                     name, pad, "",
+                                                     reset_color);
+                               printf(" %10s", format_time(ci.author_time,
+                                                           ci.author_tz.buf,
+                                                           show_raw_time,
+                                                           date_color,
+                                                           reset_color));
                        printf(" %*d) ",
                               max_digits, ent->lno + 1 + cnt);
@@ -448,7 +527,8 @@ static void emit_other(struct blame_scoreboard *sb, struct 
blame_entry *ent, int
 static void output(struct blame_scoreboard *sb, int option)
-       struct blame_entry *ent;
+       struct blame_entry *ent, *prev = NULL;
+       timestamp_t min_t = TIME_MAX, max_t = 0;
        if (option & OUTPUT_PORCELAIN) {
                for (ent = sb->ent; ent; ent = ent->next) {
@@ -466,11 +546,24 @@ static void output(struct blame_scoreboard *sb, int 
+       if (option & OUTPUT_SHOW_HIGHLIGHT) {
+               /* find oldest and youngest date for timestamp coloring */
+               struct commit_info ci;
+               for (ent = sb->ent; ent; ent = ent->next) {
+                       get_commit_info(ent->suspect->commit, &ci, 1);
+                       if (ci.author_time < min_t)
+                               min_t = ci.author_time;
+                       if (ci.author_time > max_t)
+                               max_t = ci.author_time;
+               }
+       }
        for (ent = sb->ent; ent; ent = ent->next) {
                if (option & OUTPUT_PORCELAIN)
                        emit_porcelain(sb, ent, option);
                else {
-                       emit_other(sb, ent, option);
+                       emit_other(sb, ent, prev, option, min_t, max_t);
+                       prev = ent;
@@ -681,6 +774,7 @@ int cmd_blame(int argc, const char **argv, const char 
                OPT_BIT('s', NULL, &output_option, N_("Suppress author name and 
timestamp (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_NO_AUTHOR),
                OPT_BIT('e', "show-email", &output_option, N_("Show author 
email instead of name (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_SHOW_EMAIL),
                OPT_BIT('w', NULL, &xdl_opts, N_("Ignore whitespace 
differences"), XDF_IGNORE_WHITESPACE),
+               OPT_BIT('h', "highlights", &output_option, N_("darken 
redundancy from previous line; highlight dates (Default: off)"), 
                 * The following two options are parsed by parse_revision_opt()
diff --git a/color.h b/color.h
index 90627650fc..bad2d7e29c 100644
--- a/color.h
+++ b/color.h
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ struct strbuf;
 #define GIT_COLOR_BLUE         "\033[34m"
 #define GIT_COLOR_MAGENTA      "\033[35m"
 #define GIT_COLOR_CYAN         "\033[36m"
+#define GIT_COLOR_DARK         "\033[1;30m"
 #define GIT_COLOR_BOLD_RED     "\033[1;31m"
 #define GIT_COLOR_BOLD_GREEN   "\033[1;32m"
 #define GIT_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW  "\033[1;33m"

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