Andreas Heiduk <> writes:

> The value has not eluded documentation so far.

I am not sure what "has not eluded" means in this context (did you
mean "has eluded"?).  

The patch text itself is not wrong per-se, but if we are to add
documentation for 'none', diff-options.txt must also document that
it clears the default and previously given values, unlike new, old
and context that are cumulative.  For that matter, we do not list
'default' and 'all' (which also clears the previous ones before
setting their own) in that three-item list, either.

I think we need to either 

 - make it to a six-item list and then describe that 'none', 'all'
   and 'default' clear the slate before taking any effect, or 

 - keep it three-item list of cumulative things, and then in the
   sentence that talks about `all` in Documentation/diff-options.txt
   to also explain what 'default' and 'none' do.


> Signed-off-by: Andreas Heiduk <>
> ---
>  Documentation/diff-config.txt  | 2 +-
>  Documentation/diff-options.txt | 2 +-
>  2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/Documentation/diff-config.txt b/Documentation/diff-config.txt
> index cbce8ec63..c84ced8f6 100644
> --- a/Documentation/diff-config.txt
> +++ b/Documentation/diff-config.txt
> @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ diff.algorithm::
>  +
>  diff.wsErrorHighlight::
> -     A comma separated list of `old`, `new`, `context`, that
> +     A comma separated list of `old`, `new`, `context` and `none`, that
>       specifies how whitespace errors on lines are highlighted
>       with `color.diff.whitespace`.  Can be overridden by the
>       command line option `--ws-error-highlight=<kind>`
> diff --git a/Documentation/diff-options.txt b/Documentation/diff-options.txt
> index 89cc0f48d..903d68eb7 100644
> --- a/Documentation/diff-options.txt
> +++ b/Documentation/diff-options.txt
> @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ ifndef::git-format-patch[]
>  --ws-error-highlight=<kind>::
>       Highlight whitespace errors on lines specified by <kind>
>       in the color specified by `color.diff.whitespace`.  <kind>
> -     is a comma separated list of `old`, `new`, `context`.  When
> +     is a comma separated list of `old`, `new`, `context` and `none`.  When
>       this option is not given, only whitespace errors in `new`
>       lines are highlighted.  E.g. `--ws-error-highlight=new,old`
>       highlights whitespace errors on both deleted and added lines.

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