On 11/08/2012 05:03 PM, Marc Branchaud wrote:
> I look forward to trying out your updates.  One thing I had to do to the
> original script was override get_envelopesender() in GenericEnvironment to
> use $USER if hooks.envelopesender is not set.  (This is what the old
> post-receive-email script does.)

I was going to fix this, but it doesn't look to me like the old
post-receive-email script does what you claim.  That script only uses
$envelopesender in the sendmail command line

    /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f "$envelopesender

, but if it is not set then the "-f" option is omitted entirely (it does
not default to $USER as you claim).

My script handles envelopesender the same way with respect to the
sendmail command line.  The difference is that my script also tries to
set a "From: $envelopesender" line inside the emails, which can result
in "From: None" if envelopesender is not configured.

I suppose the correct thing to do is omit the "From:" line if no
envelopesender is known.  But I don't understand your reason for wanting
envelopesender to default to $USER, which is probably not even a valid
email address.  If, in your environment, $USER is the pusher, then you
might want "From: $pusher".  I rather thought it is better to have a
uniform "From" address to make it easy for users to configure email
filtering on the emails.  Instead I set the Reply-To field to the email
address of the person responsible for the change being described (i.e.,
the pusher for reference changes and the author for commit notifications).

Please explain better why you want the behavior changed.


Michael Haggerty
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