On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 01:04:09PM -0700, Jonathan Tan wrote:

> > I'm not sure I know what you mean by config variables which are static,
> > are you referring to the in-memory options which are populated by
> > querying the config?  Those I wouldn't want to see placed in a
> > 'repository object'.
> Yes. I agree that I wouldn't want to see them placed in a repository
> object, but after reading Peff's e-mail, I was thinking of what happens
> if a file repeatedly invokes a config-sensitive function in another
> file. For example:
>  a.c
>   for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) b_output(repo, x);
>  b.c
>   void b_output(struct repository *repo, int x)
>   {
>    /* print the configured "b.prefix" followed by x */
>   }
> We probably wouldn't want to parse the repo's configset every time
> b_output() is invoked, but then, where to store our parsed "b.prefix"?
> The only alternatives I see is to have a static hashmap in b.c (keyed by
> repo, as described above), which would work if such a situation is rare
> (or can be made rare), but if it is common, maybe we have no choice but
> to put it in struct repository.

I think besides optimization, we often parse the textual config into
variables and then _modify_ those variables based on other input (most
often command-line arguments provided by the user, but sometimes other

You can move the resolution to the point-of-use instead of
point-of-setting, but that's going to be a big change to how most of the
code already works.


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