Stefan Beller <> writes:

> That could be added in ws.c:ws_check_emit, as these certain words
> are similar to coloring whitespace.

I actually was envisioning of highlighting a part of a line, like

    -Very <red>poor</red> SCM
    +Very <green>nice</red> SCM

which would be done by finding semi-matching removed and added lines
in the same hunk (i.e. local buffering) and makes a coloring decision.
That does not have any place in ws.c.

>> Having said that, we need to start somewhere, and I think it is a
>> reasonable first-cut attempt to work on top of the textual output
>> like this series does (IOW, while I do agree with the NEEDSWORK and
>> the way this series currently does things must be revamped in the
>> longer term, I do not think we should wait until that happens to
>> start playing with this topic).
> Ok. I share a similar reaction to submodule diffs that we discuss above
> and word coloring, that Jonathan Tan brought up off list.
> Both of them are broken in this implementation, but the NEEDSWORK
> would hint at how to fix them.

Yes, but if NEEDSWORK has to say "the current hack is working at a
wrong level, we need to do all of this before producing textual
diffs that are passed to the layer that colors lines", that wouldn't
help that much as a hint X-<.

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