> Am 10.05.2017 um 23:21 schrieb Raphael Stolt <raphael.st...@gmail.com>:
>> Am 10.05.2017 um 21:48 schrieb Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <ava...@gmail.com>:
>> On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 8:58 PM, Sebastian Schuberth
>> <sschube...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 2017-05-10 19:00, raphael.st...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Current configuration which finds the conditional configuration.
> a)
>>>> ~/.gitconfig
>>>> [includeIf "gitdir:~/Work/git-repos/oss/"]
>>>>  path = ~/Work/git-repos/oss/.oss-gitconfig
>>>> Expected configuration which doesn't find the conditional configuration:
> b)
>>>> ~/.gitconfig
>>>> [includeIf "gitdir:~/Work/git-repos/oss/"]
>>>>  path = .oss-gitconfig
>>> My guess is, because includeIf might contain other conditionals than
>>> "gitdir", the generic convention is to always use an absolute path for
>>> "path".
>> [CC'd OP Raphael Stolt, please reply-all]
>> In both cases the conditional is the same, but the path is relative
>> v.s. absolute.
>> Raphael: Does the config get included if you cd to
>> ~/Work/git-repos/oss/? From git-config(1):
> Given I’m in a repo in ~/Work/git-repos/oss/ e.g. 
> ~/Work/git-repos/oss/project-repo-a and I’m using config a) 
> the config is used from ~/Work/git-repos/oss/.oss-gitconfig
> Given I’m in a repo in ~/Work/git-repos/oss/ e.g. 
> ~/Work/git-repos/oss/project-repo-a and I’m using config b) 
> the global config is used because there is no .oss-gitconfig in $HOME.

Given I’m in ~/Work/git-repos/oss and I’m using config b)
also the global config (~/.gitconfig) is used.

> I guess it’s an intended behavior since conditional configuration files 
> __SHOULD__ reside in $HOME rather than 
> in my case in ~/Work/git-repos/oss.
>> ---cut---
>> The included file is expanded immediately, as if its contents had been
>> found at the location of the include directive. If the value of the
>> `include.path` variable is a relative path, the path is considered to
>> be relative to the configuration file in which the include directive
>> was found.  See below for examples.
>> ---cut---
>> The commit that added IncludeIf (3efd0bedc6) does something with
>> relative path (just skimming, need to get to other things), but unlike
>> [Include] the docs don't explicitly mention what it's supposed to do
>> with that, and all the examples show absolute paths.
>> So whether this is a bug in the code or not it seems to definitely be
>> a doc bug, whatever it does with relative files should be in the docs.
> + 1

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