On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 7:18 AM, Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
> [New Topics]
> * ab/compat-regex-update (2017-05-09) 2 commits
>  - compat/regex: update the gawk regex engine from upstream
>  - compat/regex: add a README with a maintenance guide
>  Will merge to 'next'.

[Sent last E-Mail too soon]

There's a tiny typo in "compat/regex: update the gawk regex engine
from upstream", one of the two bullet points says "Git project.f",
should say "Git project.", i.e. without the stray ".f".

If you don't mind amending that before merging it down that would be
great, due to the whole multi-patch !fixup -> you needing to squash
that sounds easier....

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