On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 12:33:44AM -0400, Jeff King wrote:
> On Tue, May 09, 2017 at 09:22:11PM -0700, Shawn Pearce wrote:
> > > Hmm. That makes sense generally, as the request should succeed. But it
> > > seems like we're creating a client that will sometimes succeed and
> > > sometimes fail, and the reasoning will be somewhat opaque to the user.
> > > I have a feeling I'm missing some context on when you'd expect this to
> > > kick in.
> > 
> > Specifically, someone I know was looking at building an application
> > that is passed only a SHA-1 for the tip of a ref on a popular hosting
> > site[1]. They wanted to run `git fetch URL SHA1`, but this failed
> > because the site doesn't have upload.allowtipsha1inwant enabled.
> > However the SHA1 was clearly in the output of git ls-remote.
> OK. So this is basically a case where we expect that the user knows what
> they're doing.
> > For various reasons they expected this to work, because it works
> > against other sites that do have upload.allowtipsha1inwant enabled.
> > And I personally just expected it to work because the fetch client
> > accepts SHA-1s, and the wire protocol uses "want SHA1" not "want ref",
> > and the SHA-1 passed on the command line was currently in the
> > advertisement when the connection opened, so its certainly something
> > the server is currently willing to serve.
> Right, makes sense.  I wondered if GitHub should be turning on
> allowTipSHA1InWant, but it really doesn't make sense to. We _do_ hide
> some internal refs[1], and they're things that users wouldn't want to
> fetch. The problem for your case really is just on the client side, and
> this patch fixes it.

More broadly, I think it is desirable that any commit that can be
reached from public refs can be fetched by an explicit sha1 without


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