
I'm trying to setup git with Smart HTTP so we can move off of SVN.

I've used the blog post: https://git-scm.com/blog/2010/03/04/smart-http.html

I'm getting "error: Cannot access URL ... return code 22" when I try
to push. Clone works fine.

I verified authentication by replacing my LDAP stuff, which looks to
work according to Apache logs, with Require all granted.

Done a lot of googling and posted on stackoverflow at this point.

My system is CentOS 7 which reports git version and Apache
2.4.6. I also tried on Ubuntu 16.04 with git 2.7.4 and Apache 2.4.18.

Using GIT_CURL_VERBOSE I can see it fail after a PROPFIND.

My stackoverflow post with all the debug info I could think of is

I'll re-post whatever is requested here if needed.

Really hoping to get this working.

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