Johannes Schindelin <> writes:

> Just in case that certain reviewers favor length over readability, let me
> offer this snippet:
>       size=$(perl -e "print -s \".git/index\"") &&
>       dd if=/dev/zero of=.git/index bs=1 seek=$(($size-20) count=20

Yup, this does sound like a good direction to go (I think you have
some unbalanced parens but it is sufficient to convey the idea).

> Since whatever hash will be used in the future is most likely larger than
> 20 bytes, this should still work fine (and even if somebody sane replaces
> the SHA-1 of the index with a CRC-32 for the same benefit we have now, the
> test will fail quickly and it is easy to replace the 20 by 4).

True that, too.

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